WordPress Shortcodes provide a convenient way to create complex content in the WordPress post editor. In addition, you can use shortcodes in PHP files by using the do_shortcode() function.
The following shortcodes are available for WPML since the version 3.2.
- Display WPML’s drop-down language switcher.
- This is similar to the wpml_add_language_selector hook.
- To customize the output of this shortcode, go to the WPML -> Languages page and use the settings in the Custom language switcher section.
- Display WPML’s horizontal language switcher.
- The output of this shortcode is exactly the same as for the wpml_footer_language_selector hook.
- To customize the output of this shortcode, go to the WPML -> Languages page and use the settings in the Footer language switcher section.
- Make a custom search form multilingual-ready.
- The output of this shortcode is exactly the same as for the wpml_add_language_form_field hook.
- Example:
[wpml-string context="my-domain" name="my-name"]My string[/wpml-string]
- Register and translate a string. This shortcode requires the plugin WPML String Translation to be active.
- To translate this string, go to the WPML -> String Translation page and use the following info (replacing the names with your own):
- Domain: my-domain
- Name: my-name
- String: My string
- Please note that in order for the strings to be registered and available for translation, you first need to visit the pages that feature them, on the front-end.
- This shortcode is available since WPML 3.6.0 version.
- Example:
[wpml_language_switcher type="footer" flags=1 native=1 translated=1][/wpml_language_switcher]
- Arguments:
- type – Define the language switcher type – footer, post_translations, widget or custom (default).
- flags (alias for display_flags) – Use 1 to display flags and 0 not to.
- link_current (alias for display_link_for_current_lang ) – Use 1 to display links and 0 not to.
- native (alias for display_names_in_native_lang ) – Use 1 to display native language names and 0 not to.
- translated (alias for display_names_in_current_lang ) – Use 1 to display language names in the current language and 0 not to.
- template – The template slug if it needs to be overwritten. Otherwise, it will be defined by the type.
- For the type, WPML will use the settings on the WPML -> Languages page, from the related sections except for widgets, which will take the default settings for a widget language switcher.
- We can also pass a Twig template as the content of the shortcode, as shown in the example below. If the Twig template is not valid, the shortcode will not render anything.
- For the type, WPML will use the settings on the WPML -> Languages page, from the related sections except for widgets, which will take the default settings for a widget language switcher.
- We can also pass a Twig template as the content of the shortcode, as shown in the example below. If the Twig template is not valid, the shortcode will not render anything.
Language Switcher Example
[wpml_language_switcher] <div class="{{ css_classes }} my-custom-switcher"> <ul> {% for code, language in languages %} <li class="{{ language.css_classes }} my-custom-switcher-item"> <a href="{{ language.url }}"> {% if language.flag_url %} <img src="{{ language.flag_url }}" alt="{{ language.code }}" title="{{ language.flag_title }}"> {% endif %} {{ language.native_name }} ({{ language.display_name }}) </a> </li> {% endfor %} </ul> </div> [/wpml_language_switcher]