WPML’s translation memory reuses existing translations for repeated sentences, saving you money by avoiding charges for translating the same content again.
By default, WPML automatically saves translations to the translation memory whenever you use the Advanced Translation Editor. For example, after translating the page below, WPML will save our Spanish translations to the translation memory.
An example of an original sentence saved to WPML Translation Memory
Later, when we translate a page that contains some of the same content, WPML automatically inserts the correct translations.
An example of the sentence used from WPML Translation Memory and applied to a new page
Translation memory only works within the same language pair. For example, if you translate a page from French to English, those translations will only be reused for other French-to-English translations, not for English-to-French translations.
Using Translation Memory with Different Translation Editors
In the Classic Translation Editor, translation memory works only for exact matches.
Translation memory also works for strings. If you translate a string and use the exact same string again later, the saved translation will be applied in String Translation.
Enhancing Translation Memory with WPML’s Glossary
While translation memory remembers and applies your previously created translations, the glossary allows you to define and manage the translation of specific terms. You can add words, phrases, or names with multiple meanings and provide their context and preferred translations.
WPML Glossary significantly increases the quality of your translations and works with both, automatic translation and human translators.