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October 16, 2024

SiteOrigin Page Builder is based on standard WordPress widgets. Learn how to translate your SiteOrigin pages using WPML.

Default language page (English)
Secondary language page (Spanish)

The Page Builder by SiteOrigin plugin allows you to design your page layouts where you can add and customize widgets. It comes with some unique features:

  • Live editing with a drag-and-drop interface
  • A number of built-in, customizable widgets you can expand by using the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle plugin
  • Full styling control for all elements
  • Pre-built page templates
  • Compatible with most themes

SiteOrigin Page Builder’s integration with WPML works with all translation options. This includes the Translate Everything Automatically mode that automatically translates content built using SiteOrigin.

This page explains how to translate SiteOrigin pages with WPML. If you want to register your SiteOrigin widgets for translation, see our tutorial on how to register page builder widgets for translation using your wpml-config.xml file.

Getting Started

Start by installing and activating the following plugins:

  • Page Builder by SiteOrigin plugin
  • WPML core plugin and WPML String Translation add-on

If you’re new to WPML, check out our Getting Started Guide. It quickly walks you through different translation options you can use.

Translating SiteOrigin Pages with WPML

Translating pages built using SiteOrigin page builder is similar to translating the pages you build using the Gutenberg editor.

Translate Everything Automatically mode translates all your site content automatically, including pages built with SiteOrigin.

If you are not using Translate Everything Automatically mode, you can send your content for translation to a professional translation service or assign translation jobs to your team of local translators.

To translate the pages yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the page editing screen.
  2. In the Language box, click on the plus icon corresponding to the language you want to translate your page into. This takes you to WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor.
Click the plus icon to translate the page
  1. On the automatic translation pop-up window, click on the Yes, translate automatically button to apply machine translation.
Choosing to translate the page automatically
  1. Review the translation to ensure that it is human-readable then click the green checkmark for each sentence to confirm the translation. Once done, click the Complete button to publish the translation.
Reviewing the translation and publishing it

Known Issues

WPML works fine with this plugin, but sometimes there could be minor issues we're working on. This is expected as both plugins provide frequent updates.

Current unresolved issues:

You can also search all known issues including previously resolved issues for this plugin.

Getting Help From Our Support Team

Having difficulties translating your SiteOrigin pages using WPML? Visit our support forum.