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September 19, 2023

The Table Rate Shipping extension allows you to add complex customizations to the shipping options for your online WooCommerce store.

Using WooCommerce Multilingual, you can translate the names, labels, and shipping classes you create for your custom shipping options.

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Getting Started

Start by installing and activating the following plugins:

If you’re new to WPML, check out our Getting Started Guide. It quickly walks you through different translation options you can use.

To learn how to set up a multilingual store, check out our documentation page about WooCommerce Multilingual.

For more information on defining shipping rates, see WooCommerce’s guide to Table Rate Shipping.

Translating Shipping Rate Titles and Labels

Using WPML, you can translate two items from the Shipping tab. You can find both in the Shipping zones section.

The first one is the Method Title, which is the name of the shipping method displayed to customers.

Setting the Method Title for Table rates

The other is the Label added to any individual shipping rates you create.

Labels added to Table Rates

You can translate both items using WPML’s String Translation. In the example below, we’ll walk you through translating the Method Title:

  1. Go to WPML → String Translation and use the search bar to find your method title strings.
  2. Click the plus icon to add your translation and then hit enter to save it.
Translating the Method Title in String Translation

Translating Shipping Classes

Once you’ve set up and translated your shipping zones, you can define your shipping classes. In the example below, we’ve created classes for fragile, small, and large packages.

Setting up Shipping classes in WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping

To translate your Shipping classes:

  1. Go to WooCommerce → WooCommerce Multilingual and enter the Shipping Classes tab.
  2. Click the plus icon next to each Shipping class term to translate your term name, slug, and description.
Translating Shipping classes in WooCommerce Multilingual

Using Multiple Currencies With Table Rate Shipping

WooCommerce Multilingual features a multi-currency mode that allows you to configure currencies based on language or the location of your customers. You can choose to display prices in each currency based on automatic or fixed exchange rates.

To enable and set up the multi-currency mode, go to WooCommerce → WooCommerce Multilingual and enter the Multi-currency tab.

Enabling the multi-currency mode in WooCommerce Multilingual

If you are using the multi-currency mode and the WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping extension, you don’t need to manually set table rates and shipping rules for each currency. WooCommerce Multilingual automatically calculates the prices based on the exchange rates.

Known Issues

There are no unresolved compatibility issues between this plugin and WPML. Search all known issues.

Getting Help

In case you need help translating your site built using WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping and WPML, visit WPML’s support forum