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September 19, 2023

The WooCommerce Bookings extension allows you to sell time or date based bookings such as apartment rentals and exercise spaces. It is also fully compatible with WooCommerce Multilingual. This makes it possible for you to translate all sections of your bookable products.

Example of a bookable product created with WooCommerce Bookings

On This Page:

Getting Started

To create bookable products with the WooCommerce Bookings add-on, install and activate the following plugins and add-ons:

If you’re new to WPML, check out our Getting Started Guide. It quickly walks you through different translation options you can use.

To learn how to set up a multilingual store, check out our guide on using WooCommerce Multilingual.

Translating Your Bookable Products

WooCommerce Bookings is fully compatible with WPML’s Translate Everything Automatically mode, which translates all of your site’s content automatically as you add or edit it. With this option enabled, you don’t have to worry about updating the translations of your posts, pages, products, taxonomies and custom fields.

You can also translate your bookable products using WPML’s Translate What You Choose mode. This option allows you to control the content you translate, as well as who will translate it.

To translate your products using the Translate What You Choose mode, start by going to WooCommerce WooCommerce Multilingual.

List of products on the WooCommerce Multilingual Products page

In the Products tab, you can translate your product attributes in the same manner as you translate all other product types. Click the plus icon under the specific language flag to add product translation for that language. Click the pen or spinning arrows icon to edit, or update a corresponding existing translation.

Translating the Resources Section

At times, bookings consist of additional items. For example, if you book a holiday rental, you may also want to rent bicycles. These bicycles are called resources.

When booking, customers can choose if they want to add any resources to their cart. Your online store can charge extra when resources are included along with the bookable products.

Before starting, you’ll need to make resources translatable. You can do this by going to WPML → Settings and scrolling down to Post Types Translation section. If you’re using the Translate Everything Automatically mode, you’ll also need to toggle Translate automatically on.

To translate resources by yourself, click on the plus icon next to your bookable product. Any resources that you assigned to your bookable product are available for translation in the Advanced Translation Editor.

Translating the resources of a bookable product in the Advanced Translation Editor

Translating the Persons Section

You can also make bookable products for a specific number of persons. The cost depends on the number and type of persons. For instance, when booking an apartment, you may require your customers to enter the number of persons staying and indicate if they are adults or children.

To translate persons, go to WPML → Settings and set them as Translatable in the Post Types Translation section. If you’re using the Translate Everything Automatically mode, you’ll also need to toggle Translate automatically on.

Similarly as with resources, you can translate the labels and the descriptions for person types by yourself alongside your bookable product in the Advanced Translation Editor.

Translating the persons section of a bookable product in the Advanced Translation Editor

Enabling Multiple Currencies for Bookable Products

WooCommerce Multilingual allows you to sell bookable products in different currencies.

To enable the multi-currency mode, go to WooCommerce WooCommerce Multilingual and enter the Multi-currency tab.

Once this is done, you can add custom currencies. More about this topic is covered on our Multi-currency support for WooCommerce documentation page.

Multi-currency options in WooCommerce Multilingual

There are two ways you can determine prices for custom currencies. The first is to define a fixed exchange rate for a new currency. The other is to define custom prices in different currencies, per-product.

Fixed Exchange Rate

By default, prices are calculated based on the exchange rate that you manually enter when adding a new currency. They are also affected by other configuration settings, such as the number of decimals, rounding, etc. Whenever you update the exchange rate for a currency, all prices update accordingly.

Dialog to set up options for a specific currency

Alternatively, you can choose to enable automatic exchange rates from the Multi-currency tab in WooCommerce Multilingual.

On the front-end, your clients will be able to switch to prices in other currencies by using the currency selector.

Currency switcher on a product page

WooCommerce Multilingual allows you to set up even more advanced options. For example, you can enable a different currency for each language, set it as the default currency for said language, and disable customers from viewing prices in any other currencies. In this case, there will only be one currency available for each language.

Custom Prices in Different Currencies

You can also set prices in secondary currencies is by enabling the manual pricing mode. To do this, edit a bookable product and scroll down to the Costs tab in the Product data section. Then, enable the Set costs in other currencies manually. You will see a series of fields highlighted in yellow for entering prices in secondary currencies.

Adding custom prices for secondary currencies

Prices in secondary currencies are now being explicitly set and are not determined automatically, based on the exchange rate. In other words, changing the exchange rate for a currency will not affect these prices.

Similar fields for custom prices show up in the Persons tab, as well as the Resources tab if enabled.

Adding costs in secondary currencies for persons
Adding costs in secondary currencies for resources

Viewing Your Product Translations on the Front-End

Once you have finished translating your bookable products, take a look at the results on the front-end. When you visit your products in one of the other languages, you should see the translations of all your options, persons, and resources.

Translation of a rental house product on the front-end

Known Issues

WPML works fine with this plugin, but sometimes there could be minor issues we're working on. This is expected as both plugins provide frequent updates.

Current unresolved issues:

You can also search all known issues including previously resolved issues for this plugin.