Background of the issue:
I am experiencing an issue with the taxonomy term filter on my website when using WPML. The filter works correctly for the default English language, displaying all relevant terms. However, when switching to other languages, the taxonomy filter does not display any translated terms. I have checked the WPML settings to ensure that the taxonomy terms are translated correctly, and I can confirm that they are available in other languages. This issue seems to persist even though I have enabled the necessary translation options for custom taxonomies.
The taxonomy term filter does not display translated terms in non-English languages.
Could you please help me resolve this issue so that the filter displays the appropriate terms based on the selected language?
While waiting for one of my colleagues to help you, please share with us the link where we can test the taxonomy filter.
I assume that you are using the filter for products correct? In that case pleas verify that the products and not just the taxonomies are also 100% translated in the secondary language, otherwise, the filter will not work as expected.