Background of the issue:
I have been facing issues with String translation. I am able to localize some Strings of Flatsome theme. I made the translation of them but it does not show on the front page. Examples: Domain: admin_texts_theme_mods_flatsome -> Name: [theme_mods_flatsome]topbar_left -> String: Design Original em Autopeças. I followed a WPML post forum that requested to: increase memory limit to 256M, delete the string translation, refresh cache, re-map the string at plugin area. And finally make again the translation.
The string of the footer of the website is not showing up anymore, and I cannot translate it.
Could you please support me on solving these 2 issues?
It seems you are facing issues in footer copyright text translation which is coming from Flatsome theme options. So please follow the below steps and let me know how it goes:
1. Try to re-save the theme options from Appearance >> Customize page.
2. Go to WPML >> String Translation page.
3. Scroll down and click on the Translate texts in admin screens » link at the bottom of the page.
4. Search for the required string.
5. Select the string.
6. Click on the Add to String Translation button.
7. Then click on the "« Return to String Translation" link.
8. Add the translation from WPML >> String Translation page.
Please let me know the results,
Thank you
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