Background of the issue:
I am trying to work on the English frontend or backend, but my main admin profile switches language automatically. Additionally, when I save a French-customer order in the backend while my profile is in English, the amounts get messed up due to mistranslation between period and comma in numbers.
The main issue is the automatic language switch of my admin profile. The secondary issue is incorrect amounts on invoices when saving orders due to language mismatch.
Anyone else experiencing automatic language changes in the admin profile?
Is there a solution for the language switch issue?
How can I prevent incorrect amounts on invoices due to language mismatch?
Please let me know if you are able to reproduce the issue on the staging site and if so, please share credentials in the private fields in the next reply so I can login and take a look.
I have recreated a new staging site and can give you access. And it was quite easy to replicate: in the Pages section, I clicked on the language selector in top bar and that changed my profile language! I think it might be the only time it does that, but this info should help pinpoint the process! Thank you
Please share credentials in the private fields in the next reply and I will be happy to login to the test site and check further. Please also let me know if it is okay to disable non WPML Plugins and switch to a default theme on the staging site.
The credentials provided are not working for me. Please update the previous reply, or include correct credentails in the next reply which I have marked as private and has the fields to share login details.
Thank you, these credentials worked. I went to the list of pages, and changed languages using the admin language switcher at the top of the dashboard. I'm not seeing the language in the dashboard change. I have included screenshots. Can you tell me specifically which content you are seeing that changes language in the backend?
It seems my email reply ddn't make it here...
I’ve uploaded the video in media library (enregistrement.mp4). I know it might seem trivial from this video as you can switch back, but sometimes I have multiple windows open and if I save in one window that was in French when opened but profile switched in another, it messes things up. I’ve also showed you the problem it causes, changing the order amounts because of the ,/. decimal separator change. Finally, I also mention this as it is a new behaviour I hadn’t experienced before (don’t remember when it started, few months ago before I felt like writing), been using wpml for many years, thank you!