This thread is resolved. Here is a description of the problem and solution.
Problem: You are trying to link an existing Dutch translation named 'Frankrijk' to the English default language item 'France' and its existing translations. However, when using the 'choose a Page to assign' feature and searching for the English title, no results appear, even though other unconnected pages do show up.
Solution: 1. Ensure that the page containing the translated content is created from the Dutch backend. Switch to Dutch in the backend, then go to pages and create the page with the translated version. 2. When searching to connect the translations, search for the title of the Dutch page ('Frankrijk'), not the English page title ('France'). 3. If the page you want to connect already has existing translations, WPML might not be able to find it. Try creating a new page in Dutch with a different name (e.g., 'Dutch test'), then attempt to connect this new page to the English page.
If these steps do not resolve your issue or if the solution seems outdated or irrelevant to your specific case, we recommend opening a new support ticket. Additionally, we highly recommend checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins. For further assistance, please visit our support forum at WPML Support Forum.
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Background of the issue:
I am trying to link an existing translation in Dutch that isn't connected yet to the English default language item and its existing translations.
When trying to connect the Dutch translation to the English default item via the 'choose a Page to assign', by searching for the English title of the page, there are no results. I expected to see results when I search for the item I want to connect the item to. Instead, I got an empty result in the search box.
Why are there no results when I search for the English title of the page to connect the Dutch translation? When not searching for a specific title, the search box shows some results, but not the ones I am searching for.
How can I successfully link the Dutch translation to the English default language item?
1. That specific page containing the translated content should be created from under the Dutch backend (while we are in the backend, from the top black bar, we should first switch to Dutch and then go to pages and create the page with the translated version).
That is one of the conditions. If the page with the translated content was created from the backend of a different language instead of Dutch, WPML can't find it.
2. When searching, we should search for the title of the Dutch page, not the EN page title. For example, we can set the page title of the Dutch page to "Frankrijk," and then, from under the English edit page backend, we can search for "Frankrijk".
Please let me know how things go and if these steps helped you resolve the issue.
Sorry for my late response. The notification mail of your reply ended up in my spam folder.
The page is created in the Dutch Language. I did search for the Dutch title from the English page that is the master translation, but I am unable to find it. That is what I tried to show in my second screenshot.
I am sorry to hear about that. Also, sorry for the delayed response - it's been a pretty busy queue in the past few days.
1. Can you please let me know the exact name of the default language page and the name of the dutch page?
Or a screenshot with each of them (or the links for each).
2. Create a full website backup and then share access in the private fields I enabled below.
PS: Please note that I won't be working over the weekend, but I will be able to get back to you at the beginning of next week if any replies come over the weekend.
Unfortunately I am not able to share a full backup as of now since this is quite a big installation and a client that is pretty strict with data sharing.
But maybe I am on to something, please let me know if this is the correct inner working.
So we have page called "France" which has many translations, including German, Italian, etc.
The only translation that is missing is the Dutch translation, a page named "Frankrijk". I want to connect this already existent page in Dutch to the English main translation so all translations are connected to each other.
When using the connect box, I am only able to find other pages that don't have any translations whatsoever, which is not the case with the page "France".
Is this correct? Are you only able to connect pages that don't have any translations linked to them? And if so, why? There is probably a good reason why this is the case, but I haven't found it yet.
Please enlighten me and pardon for the poor example about that page called "Frankrijk/France". That is just a page with their French offices etc. But that could be confusing in my example. Should have chosen an other page. 😀
The page you want to connect should not have any existing translations so that WPML can properly use it. Otherwise, it could get confused. My guess was that this page was created in Dutch and never translated.
You can try a quick test by copying the content from the Dutch page and creating a new page with a different name ("Dutch test," for example).
Then, go back to English > go to the WordPress edit page for that page that you mentioned is missing a Dutch translation > and then try to connect it with the new Dutch page you just created.