Thanks very much Andrey! This indeed helped en we can continue now.
But, we did find another issue... The shipping classes on a product level are not always 'seen'. Therefor, shipping costs are not always ok. Shipping classes are not adjustable on a product level.
How can we make sure shipping classes are ok for all products in all languages?
Could you please provide a step-by-step explanation along with screenshots (including some examples)? This would help me understand the issue more effectively.
The shipping classes can now be translated under the taxonomy section, and I have attached a screenshot for your reference.
Please ensure that the shipping classes are translated.
In this webshop, there's 3 shipping classes: extra light, light and heavy. These are applicable on the crochet packages (which are the fysical products, all others are downloads).
The shipping costs are set via shipping classes and work for the Dutch products, but not (always) for the English and German ones.
As an example: if we put "haakpakket Kalkoen Koos" in our basket, the shipping costs in dutch are €6,95 (which is correct). In this case, the costs are also correct in German, but in English it's not. It there shows €1,95 instead, which are the standard shipping costs without the addition that's added by the shipping class.
So it seams like shippingclasses are not being translated/copied into the translation of the products.
I have attached screenshots, hopefully that supports my described issue.