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October 16, 2024

Slider Revolution lets you create responsive sliders, complete with dynamic animations, text, and images. For multilingual websites, WPML lets you translate the slide text and ensures your site’s visitors can see the slider in their chosen language.

WPML doesn’t support the translation of global layers. We will update here as soon as this gets implemented into the Slider Revolution plugin.

Getting Started

Start by installing and activating the following plugins:

  • The latest version of Slider Revolution
  • WPML core plugin and WPML String Translation add-on

If you’re new to WPML, check out our Getting Started Guide. It quickly walks you through different translation options you can use.

Using WPML to Translate Different Types of Sliders

Slider Revolution is compatible with WPML, but how you translate the text in your slides depends on the type of slider you create. You can only translate Slider Revolution sliders manually. You can use automatic translation or the Advanced Translation Editor to translate the posts you include in your post-based slider.

Translating Slider Revolution Sliders

To translate your Slider Revolution sliders, you need to manually create duplicate slides in your secondary languages. 

Start by going to the slider (module) editing screen for one of your sliders:

  1. Click on the settings icon to navigate to the Module General Options and then select the General option. 
Navigating to the module’s general settings
  1. Scroll to the bottom and turn on Use WPML Settings, then click Save.
Turning on the use of WPML settings
  1. In the top bar, click the slides icon to go to Slide Options and click WPML. From the Slide Lang. drop-down menu choose the default slide language and click Save.
Set the language of the default slide

  1. Hover your mouse over the Slides menu item and then click the duplication icon to duplicate the slide you want to translate.
Duplicating a slide to translate
  1. Select the slide that you duplicated. We recommend that you use a descriptive name that indicates the slide language you will translate it into.
Selecting and naming the duplicate slide
  1. Manually input the translations for the slide’s text. Once done, go to the Slide Options and click WPML. From the Slide Lang. drop-down menu, choose the language that you translated your slide into and Save.
Translating the slide content and setting the slide language

Repeat steps 4 to 6 to to translate all the slides inside your slider. 

Once you’re done translating the slides, you can add the slider in your default language to a post or page using the Slider Revolution block, or you can embed it into the location of your choice. 

After you translate the post or page containing the translated slider, your site’s visitors will see the slides in the language they’re viewing the page in.

Translating Post-Based Sliders

Slider Revolution allows you to create sliders that pull in data from your posts, such as the post title, excerpt and featured image. To learn more, check out Slider Revolution’s guide on creating post-based sliders.

Post-based sliders should have only one slide and its language option should be set to All Languages. This is because this one slide displays content coming from different posts.

For post-based sliders to display in different languages, you first need to translate the posts you are displaying in your slider. You can translate the posts:

See our Getting Started Guide to learn more about translating posts and different types of content on your website.

Important: If you have some text manually typed into your post-based slider, you need to first make it translatable. For example, let’s say you add a text layer and type in any text, such as “Learn More”. To translate this text, you need to wrap it in the wpml-string shortcode. You can then translate the text in String Translation.

Here is an example of the shortcode you can insert into your post-based slider:

[wpml-string context="MySlider"]Learn More[/wpml-string]

Of course, you need to replace the “MySlider” and “Learn More” values with your own ones. Below, we briefly explain the parameters in the shortcode above:

  • MySlider is an example of a theme’s text domain or unique identifier. It makes the text available for translation.
  • Learn More is an example of the text you want to translate. Here, you should input your own text.

Once you Save the changes to your slider, you can go to WPML → String Translation to translate the text.

Translating the text wrapped in the shortcode in String Translation

Known Issues

There are no unresolved compatibility issues between this plugin and WPML. Search all known issues.

Getting Help

In case you need help translating your site built using Slider Revolution and WPML, visit WPML’s support forum.