WPML provides you with Classic and Advanced Translation Editors. If you use the Classic Translation Editor on your site, you can easily switch to the Advanced Translation Editor for new translations. You have the choice to keep existing translations in the Classic Translation Editor or move them to the Advanced Translation Editor.
On new sites, WPML enables the Advanced Translation Editor by default. You can use this translation editor to translate posts, pages, and strings. The Advanced Translation Editor also offers automatic translation for your WordPress content, alongside features like a glossary, translation memory, and a spellchecker to streamline the translation process.
In comparison, the Classic Translation Editor uses a simpler interface that allows you and your site’s translators to manually translate content field by field. You can see the original content on one side and input the translation on the other. You cannot use automatic translation.
If your site uses the Classic Translation Editor, you may want to switch to using the Advanced Translation Editor or see how automatic translation works. WPML allows you to make this switch anytime. You have two options:
Option 1: Switching to the Advanced Translation Editor for New Translations
With WPML, you have the choice to keep existing translations in the Classic Translation Editor while using the Advanced Translation Editor only for new translations. This way, you can:
Add a new language to your site and translate content into this language automatically or in the Advanced Translation Editor
Add translations for existing untranslated posts in the Advanced Translation Editor or using automatic translation
Continue maintaining and updating your existing translations manually in the Classic Translation Editor
To switch only new translations to the Advanced Translation Editor, go to WPML → Settings and scroll down to the Translation Editor section.
In the Editor for new translations section, select the Advanced Translation Editor as the default editor for new translations.
In the Editor for translations previously created using Classic Translation Editor section, stay with the Classic Translation Editor (recommended) option. By default, this option is selected for you.
Option 2: Switching to the Advanced Translation Editor for New and Previously Created Translations
In WPML → Settings, you can also opt to use the Advanced Translation Editor for both new translations and the translations you previously created in the Classic Translation Editor.
Note: After you switch content previously translated using the Classic Translation Editor to the Advanced Translation Editor, existing translations will still show on the frontend. But, these translations may be completely or partially missing when you open the post in the Advanced Translation Editor.
Your existing translations will remain visible on the site’s front-end until you save any new changes in the Advanced Translation Editor. You can make the translations show in the Advanced Translation Editor using two different methods:
Method 1: Retranslate the Content Using Automatic Translation
Automatic translation lets you update existing translations quickly. After you switch to using the Advanced Translation Editor, you can buy automatic translation credits or set up pay-as-you-go. Then, you can use automatic translation to retranslate the posts and pages you previously translated manually in the Classic Translation Editor.
To retranslate an individual page using automatic translation:
Edit a post or page in your default language. In the Language box, click the pencil icon next to the language you want to update the translations in.
This opens the Advanced Translation Editor. If you have translation credits, you’ll immediately see the page content automatically translated. Review and edit the translations. Click Complete when you’re done reviewing all the translations.
Method 2: Copy and Paste the Existing Translations Into the Advanced Translation Editor
If you want to keep your existing translations, you need to copy-paste them into the Advanced Translation Editor.
In one tab, open a translated post or page on the front-end.
In a separate tab, edit the same post or page in your default language. In the Language box, click the pencil icon next to the language you want to update the translations in.
The Advanced Translation Editor will open. Click the Undo translation button to remove any translations, and then manually copy-paste content from your page to the Advanced Translation Editor.