And if you scroll down you will see a sticky header with a menu and a big picture banner.
I have done it on greek so i have the greek banner when you scroll down. My question is how i can make it on english version to change the picture and have the english banner on english version home page and english version of sticky header. When you click on the banner it drives you on a greek poster. So i want the same when you hit the english banner to drive on english poster. I want to tell you on that point that i insert that banner with coding on header2 php file and its not from settings of template.
Also i want to tell you that i tried with media translation but doesnt work for that.
This is the code of the sticky header 2 contect so on eng version i want another picture. Is any folder that the header 2 duplicated for wpml?
Thank you for contacting WPML Support. As you have added that banner in PHP file so you may use PHP if/else statements to display the Greek and English banner according to the current language by following the below steps:
You can get the current language using wpml_current_language hook and display the content based on the selected language. Here is an example:
// Get the current language
$my_current_lang = apply_filters( 'wpml_current_language', NULL );
// If Greek language is selected
if( $my_current_lang == 'el' ) {
// Greek language banner content goes here
// If English language is selected
elseif( $my_current_lang == 'en' ) {
// English language banner content goes here