Background of the issue:
I am working on a site under development and trying to import glossaries for each language we support, such as French (fr) and Spanish (es). I was able to import a test file with a few words in French, but encountered issues with Spanish.
When I tried to upload a test file with a couple of the same words in Spanish, it says that it imported the file, but they never show up in the list. Similarly, when I created a term in Spanish and then tried to upload a file containing that word in French, it doesn't show up as a translation for that term.
Are you only able to upload a single glossary?
Why do the imported Spanish terms not appear in the list?
Why doesn't the French term show up as a translation for the Spanish term?
Please enable the debug log as we talked about in the chat ticket and paste the most recent lines in your next reply. I have marked the next reply as private as well so that you can share credentials if you would like me to login and test the upload of the glossary.