But the problem is not solved yet. If we make a new product and have links in that product page, then those links are not translated yet directly. They do get translated if we use the button “Scan now and adjust links”, but my client is reluctant to use that button because it ruins the English side of the home page sometimes regarding translations.
Yes I said that I noticed that if I make a new product page with links, the links are translated correctly. But recently (in the end of january) we noticed that if we make a new product page with links, then suddenly those links are not translated directly if we translate the page.
As I told you before the button "Scan now and adjust links" does work but it sometimes ruins the English side of the homepage by giving it strange translations.
As I told you before the button "Scan now and adjust links" does work but it sometimes ruins the English side of the homepage by giving it strange translations.
What is being ruined on the English side?
Can you please explain and send screenshots?
Also, please share your site's Debug information. You can read about it here.
And if you need further help with this, please share the access details to your site with me. And explain to me where to go and how to see the issue. I'm enabling a private message for the following reply. Privacy and Security Policy
We have strict policies regarding privacy and access to your information. Please see: https://wpml.org/purchase/support-policy/privacy-and-security-when-providing-debug-information-for-support/ **IMPORTANT**
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-- If you have a staging site where the problem can be reproduced, it is better to share access to the staging site.--
By the way, since recently if we make a new product and have internal links in that product page, then those links ARE currently translated. Out of my own experience this does not work always, so for now this works, but I might not work, soon. I will keep you updated.
I'm glad that the issue has not occurred for over a month. It may be that a new WPML version fixed this issue. This ticket will stay open for about two weeks if you do not reply to it. In any case, if this ticket gets closed, you can always open a new ticket and refer us to this ticket.
If the issue occurs again, it is important to let us know the steps to trigger it. Or at least let us know your last actions before the problem occurred. Otherwise, it will be hard for us to help.
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