<b>Background of the issue: </b>
I updated WPML from 4.7.0 to 4.7.1 with some code that handles prices. Here is the code I use:
global $woocommerce_wpml;
<b>Symptoms: </b>
I expected to see no error, but instead, I got: 'No definition available to provision typeless parameter $wp_locale at position 1 in WCML_Exchange_Rates::__construct() declared in WCML_Exchange_Rates'.
<b>Questions: </b>
How can I resolve the error related to the typeless parameter $wp_locale in WCML_Exchange_Rates?
After more debugging I can see this is due to `remove_action( 'wpml_loaded', 'wcml_loader' );`
You can try one of the following methods to update WCML to latest version:
A) Go to Plugins -> Add New -> Commercial and click "Check for Updates". Then you can find the newer versions from the table below that button and update accordingly.
B) Or you can download from https://wpml.org/account/downloads/ and can upload using Plugins -> Add New -> Upload.
Please let me know if updating WCML (and other WPML plugins as needed) helps fixing the said problem.