Our second tier support thinks something is cached improperly on your site - probably object cache on the server. Please try clearing all caches and transients as some of those are cached as well (browser cache, server cache, and any caching plugins you have used should be cleared). You may need to reqeust assistance from your hosting provider to confirm all are cleared. Please let me know if anything changes after all caches/transients have been cleared.
I'm going to disappoint you. We don't use object caches. Only wp-rocket (which you have disabled). And basic OPcahce caching is enabled. All of it
What's more - the site is on a new server. With absolutely clean settings.
You're talking about caching. Explain why all labels are displayed in the gutenberg editor? They don't in the classic editor. I think you've forgotten the point I was trying to make.
I'll remind you that my request is already 20 days old, and we haven't moved forward.
I have not forgotten the issue at all. It shows correctly with gutenberg, also shows in commonly used tags. It showed for me in the tag search then disappeared, and showed in the link for our 2nd tier and then disappeared. That fact that it shows in some places but not others, and some times but not others, often means there is something related to caching which is why we asked to check. Our second tier is going to need a copy of the site for further testing. Cloudways failed, and Duplicator failed probably due to the large size of the site. I will try to make a copy using All in One Migration that I can forward to our developers for further troubleshooting.
Please go to WPML -> Langauges and check the box for "Adjust IDs for multilingual functionality". This seems to resolve the issue as far as I can tell, please confirm if it is working on your end as well.