Background of the issue:
Jeg forsøgte at løse et problem med WPML, hvor jeg ønsker at kunne redigere min forside individuelt på hvert sprog, da de er forskellige. Jeg har oprettet en supportbillet og fulgt de retningslinjer, jeg fik fra supporteren: Efter at have skiftet fra WPML til WordPress-oversætteren blev problemet værre. Mit hovedsprog er dansk, og jeg har oversatte versioner på engelsk og spansk.
Hver gang jeg ændrer noget på den danske side, ændrer WPML forsiden på ES og EN. Det er en blanding af danske og oversatte overskrifter. Alle links til mine versioner i både ES og EN ændres til de danske links. Det er virkelig et rod, og det giver mine besøgende en dårlig oplevelse. Jeg har ændret dem på hvert sprog mange gange, men WPML ændrer dem igen.
Kan du hjælpe mig med en løsning, så jeg ikke får dette rod af blandede sprog og links, der peger på forkerte versioner?
Is there any supporters around? Can anyone help with following:
Background of the issue:
I was trying to solve a problem with WPML where I want to be able to edit my front page individually in each language, since they are different. I have created a support ticket and followed the guidelines I got from the supporter: After switching from WPML to WordPress translator, the problem got worse. My main language is Danish, and I have translated versions in English and Spanish.
Every time I change something on the Danish page, WPML changes the front page to ES and EN. It is a mix of Danish and translated headings. All links to my versions in both ES and EN are changed to the Danish links. It is really a mess and it gives my visitors a bad experience. I have changed them in each language many times, but WPML changes them again.
Can you help me with a solution so I don't get this mess of mixed languages and links pointing to wrong versions?
See attached files above. Sorry, that my first ticket was in DA. I don't know why it was translated.