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1 650 Réponses à “Questions préalables à la vente”

  1. Hi, I have bought this plugin but it doesn’t work and it can’t translate my site automatically, how can I contact the after sales team to solve this problem?

  2. Dear WPML team,
    I am writing to request your help for the WPML WordPress extension on behalf of an orphanage in Cambodia. As you may know, times have been very difficult with the economic crisis that followed the epidemic, and the orphanage is struggling to make ends meet.
    The orphanage is using WordPress as their website platform, and WPML would help them to better communicate with their international donors and supporters. However, their budget is very limited, and they cannot afford the full price of the WPML extension.
    I kindly request that you consider offering a special price for the WPML WordPress extension for this orphanage. Your support would make a huge difference in their ability to communicate and raise funds to support the children in their care.
    Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

    Patrik Roux

  3. Hello. I paid for wpml last year, and it didn’t renew automaticaly. How can I renew it without paying the full price? (the renew price is cheaper).

    thank you

    • Hello Nicolas,
      I can see that you decided to use manual renewals instead of automatic renewals (which prevents you from forgetting to renew on time). We sent you two email reminders and also, we kept the discount for you for additional 30 days. It’s been two months since your subscription expired and unfortunately, you lost your discount. Please use this form to email us: and we see what we can do for you.

  4. Hi, is it possible *easily* to get a translation page by country and langage?
    For exemple :

    And is it possible to allow some Author to edit only translation from one country ?
    For example UserA can only edit France pages, UserB can only edit Spain pages…

  5. Hello,

    1) what is a credit? How many words is it?

    2) In the $99/year package, it says that we have 90000 credits of auto trad. In the FAQ, it says we have 2000 credits/month, so 24000 credits/year. Which value is correct?


  6. Hi,

    I saw on a previous answer that 1 word = 2 credits. But if I reload my page, will that word be counted twice, and therefore spend 4 credits ?

    Do you have a method to determine approximately how many credits I’ll need per month ?

    • Hello Léa,
      Once the translation is done, it will remain on your site. You don’t need to spend new credits everytime a visitor switches languages.
      Let me know if this explains things or you have any further questions.

  7. dear, my website is under progress with a webmaster who have a WPML register. Normally i understand that if i want to use « pay as you go » method to translate in 1 language (english from french only) all my website at beginning and after, once « on line » (actually it is just in development) can i be registered like a « gestionnaire de traduction » on the account of my webmaster in order to pay credit ? i need 55.000 words credits (bing or deepl i know for this one it is 2 credits)on the beginning, and after 2000 credits free of use each month will be ok. Is it the good way and the best ? or have i to buy myself account wpml to use automatic translation.

    other question : i have a transfer each days of one or 2 new articles on my website. If i choose in parameters « automatic translation » do i have something to do manually, or without connecting to wordpress all new articles will be automatically translated by wpml (if i choose publishing without verify of course) ?

    • Hello,
      thank you for your questions.

      Question #1
      There are two way to buy extra credits:
      1) buy pre-paid credits – only the person who has the account (bought WPML) can do so – you do so from within your WPML account.
      2) sign up for « Pay as you go » – everyone who can access to a WordPress/WPML site with the admin or Translation Manager role can do so.
      Both methods are described in details here:
      Method #2 is cheaper. According to the calculator we provide here you will pay $62 for translating 55 000 words with DeepL (or Google Translate) or $34 if you translate with Microsoft Bing (in WPML we call this translation engine just Microsoft – please switch to the Microsoft tab when using this calculator).
      If WPML has been registered with your webmaster account option #2 would work better for you. Otherwise you would need to ask your webmaster to buy pre-paid credits.

      Question #2
      It depends on WPML settings and the translation mode you selected (which you can always change in WPML Settings). If you selected « Translate Everything », you don’t need to do anything. When you publish a new post in your primary language WPML will automatically create its translation a few seconds later. Of course you can review this translation and make edits where needed. If you have selected « Translate What You Choose » translation won’t happen fully automatically. You need to go to your Posts and you click on the plus icon to add the translation but then, you can click the « Translate Automatically » button to use automatic translation. If you want to do so for multiple posts/pages you in one go, you would need to go to the Translation Management button select the pages/posts you want to translate and click « Translate automatically ».

  8. Bonjour,

    Est-il possible d’installer WPML multilingual sur « » ? Je ne vois pas l’extension dans la page Dashboard > Extensions > Recherche.

    Merci d’avance,


    • Bonjour,
      Pour autant que nous le sachions, vous permet également d’installer des plugins premium, y compris WPML, mais vous devrez peut-être avoir un plan plus cher (je veux dire un package spécial de qui permet d’installer n’importe quel plugin premium. Ce que vous obtiendrez de notre part, c’est simplement un ensemble de plugins WordPress que vous pouvez télécharger puis installer sur n’importe quel site WordPress. Veuillez vérifier auprès du support si vous êtes autorisé à installer WPML spécifiquement. Pour autant que nous le sachions, vous le pouvez.

  9. Qu’est ce que un site Web de production
    Et un site Web de développement ? Car je voudrais acheter une licence pour un multi site et je n’arrive pas a comprendre les termes « site. Web en production » et  » site web de développement ».

    • Bonjour, les sites que vous enregistrez comme « développement » auront une petite bannière ajoutée au pied de page de votre site indiquant qu’il s’agit d’un site de développement. Une bannière similaire sera également affichée sur votre administrateur WordPress. Nous avons introduit cette fonctionnalité pour permettre à nos clients d’utiliser WPML sur plus de 3 sites Web s’ils disposent également d’environnements de test/test. Si vous testez WPML sur une copie de votre site, n’hésitez pas à l’enregistrer en tant que « développement » au lieu de production. Avec le package CMS, vous pouvez enregistrer 3 sites de production et en plus, 9 sites comme sites de développement. 12 sites Web au total. Vous pouvez enregistrer et désinscrire vos sites autant de fois que vous le souhaitez mais vous ne pouvez pas dépasser les limites que nous avons : 3 sites de production et 9 sites de développement à un instant donné.

  10. Bonjour , svp je suis interesse par votre plugin mais je ne sais pas quel offre choisir, en fait jai un site wordpress de type MULTISITE web et je voudrais savoir la differences que vous faites entre les packages au niveau de  » SITE WEB EN PRODUCTION  » et « SITE WEB EN DEVELOPPEMENT « car je vois sur vos offre  » 1 de production , 3 de développement  » , « 3 de production 9 de développement « .


  11. Bonjour,

    Je suis sur le point de finaliser mon site internet et j’aimerai que celui-ci soit en multilingues.

    Est-ce qu’une fois que j’aurai passé commande chez vous, je pourrais ajouter autant de langues souhaitées pour le même tarif, ou est-ce qu’il y a un supplément par langue ajoutée ? Je n’ai pas trouvé cette information dans votre offre. Je pense mettre dans un premier temps le français, l’anglais, le chinois, l’espagnol et l’allemand.

    En vous remerciant pour votre retour.

    Bien cordialement,


    • Bonjour Yoann,
      Merci de ton intérêt. Nous ne facturons pas par langue, mais plutôt en fonction du nombre de sites Web sur lesquels vous installez WPML. En revanche, si vous choisissez la traduction automatique comme méthode de traduction, celle-ci entraîne des frais supplémentaires. Veuillez noter que la version CMS comprend 90 000 crédits pour la traduction automatique.
      Si vous n’utilisez pas cette méthode, vous n’avez rien à payer. Ici plus d’informations

  12. Bonjour Mercedes,

    Je comprends mieux et je vous remercie pour votre retour.

    Je n’aurai qu’un seul site, en revanche, j’aimerai en effet choisir la traduction automatique comme méthode de traduction.

    Si j’ai bien compris, la version CMS est à 99€ et elle comprend 90 000 crédits. Que se passe t-il si j’arrive à épuiser tous mes crédits et combien dois-je payer pour en avoir des supplémentaires ?

    En vous remerciant pour votre retour.

    Bien cordialement,


  13. Hello,

    is it possible to use WPML & gTransalte at the same time on a website ? Idea is to use WPML for some languages translation (like english/spanigh) and gTransalte for other languages – wich mean they won’t be used on the same folder.

    Also, is it possible to test WPML on a staging website before to use it live ? (To run some test and be sure there is no compatibility issue).

    Thank you in advance,

    • Hello there,
      We don’t recommend you to use 2 plugins for the same functionality. One hand hand, you will see your performance impacted, but most important, they probably conflict.
      Regarding the other question, we don’t have test licenses, however, we have a 30 days refund policy.

  14. Hi team,

    I have to do a complete redesign of a website using WPML with a different domain name for French (.fr) and English (.com).
    When I work on the design of the new website with a single temporary domain name, is it possible to define the language settings in directory during the design phase and then, during the final migration, reset the language settings for each domain name (.fr for French and .en for English)?

    Thank you in advance,

    • Hello,
      I can see that you posted your question 5 times so I want to assure you that we have received your message. I didn’t find your email address in our system so I’m not sure if this is a pre-sale question (you are a new user of WPML or an existing one). I couldn’t check the status of your website either so please let me explain how it works even if this is something you might already know. Switching between languages in subdirectories and (sub)domains is done in the Language section of WPML where you can choose between these two but when (sub)domains are selected it also requires an additional setup to be done on your server as explained in this documentation: In theory, you can switch from subdirectories to domains at any time provided you follow the guidelines. But let me consult your case with an expert of this field to make sure it’s safe in the scenario you describe. I will keep you posted.

    • Update: Yes, I confirm that you can start with languages in directories and switch to diffrent (sub)domains later. I consulted your case with a developer who is knows this topic very well.

  15. Hi. I would like to use WPML on the website of a city (municipal community) who can only pay through administrative mandate… Is it possible ? If yes, how to proceed ? If no, what is the possibility for the payment of the bill because they dont have any bank card or paypal account… ? Thanks in advance. Regards.

  16. Hi Agnès,
    I ask to new hosting provider if it is possible to park alias domain. Followings WPML instructions :

    The hosting provider confirm me that is not possible to park domain but it is possible to point the domain to the same folder that normally allows this type of configuration.
    Would this be suitable to use WPML with different domains per language ?

    Thank you in advance

    • Sorry for the delay. Again, I needed to consult my answer with our expect from domains. He says that yes, if the new domain points to the same directory that the original domain points to – then it is alright and it will work.

  17. Bonjour,

    Je cherche un plugin pour un client qui a un WordPress multisite.
    C’est une seule installation de WordPress avec plusieurs URL possibles. Chaque Url affiche une site différent.
    Certaines pages sont portées par Elementor.

    Est-ce que votre extension est adaptée et quelle offre vous semble la plus adaptée ?


  18. on September 14 our visa card was charged while our subscription has been canceled since 2020… unfortunately, it is impossible to contact you on this subject… should we file a complaint with visa?

    Please contact me @ fabrice.v(at)

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