My website is available in English, German and Dutch.
I want to set up Google Ads for all 3 languages. I currently have 1 Dutch campaign in the Google Ads dashboard. In the past I noticed Dynamic Search Ads were using headlines and landing pages in different languages. For example, I set up a Dutch campaign but it it would lead to English pages.
What's the best way to set up German and English ads for WPML? Can I do this in the same account or should I create 3 separate Google Ads accounts? Would this mean implementing 3 different Google tags in the header? (I'm not using Google Tag Manager) Or if I can use the same account, how do I prevent showing the wrong language?
to be fair I am not sure how Google ADS works, nor do I see any related compatibility-related plugins for this. So probably you will see all languages as one website and that is why you see mixed languages.
If there is a way you can specify different URLs for ADS and etc, then that would probably be the way and try to specify only specific pages and its information. Or if you can specify different language feeds: