I have created a Custom Post Type (CPT) using Advanced Custom Field (/products), configured as 'translatable' in the WPML settings.
If, from WordPress (primary language: italian), I add the English translation, the translated page shows a 404 error.
However, if I access the WordPress in english, the CPT is not visible in the WordPress dashboard, and I get the error 'Invalid post type'."
Thanks for contacting WPML forums support. I'll be glad to help you today.
1) First of all, sorry for the late reply due to a higher workload. Please try the following steps:
1- Go to WPML-> Settings-> Post Type Translation section
2- Set the "acf-post-type" post type to "Not Translatable"
3- Check if the post type works correctly in both languages
2) It's not related to the issue, but according to your Debug.info, the WP memory limit needs to be increased. PHP memory is fine, but WordPress uses 40Mb as default. The minimum requirements for WPML are 128 MB. (Kindly check this page https://wpml.org/home/minimum-requirements/)
You can increase it by adding the following code in your wp-config.php file right before the /* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */ line: