Background of the issue:
I have uploaded images to my website hidden link. Nearly all images have an alt-tag in Swedish, which is the main language. I want to translate these alt tags automatically to English. The rest of the site is translated manually, and the pages are duplicated and then disconnected to have different content in each language.
I am unsure how to automatically translate alt tags for over 400 images from Swedish to English.
How can I automatically translate alt tags from Swedish to English using WPML?
When translating posts or pages, WPML automatically translates the associated image alt text based on your settings. However, if you create a duplicate and translate it manually, this option will not be available.
Yes, exactly! You gave me actually an idea: I like the idea of being able to send an image in bulk for translation via Media Translation. I’ll see if I can submit a feature request for this, but of course, that doesn’t guarantee it will be implemented.
That would be a great feature. We always translate manually but for example alt tags that isn't that important for us to be 100% correct could be translated automatic.
Thanks for the information. I've created an internal feature request to "enable filtering for Media files via Translation Management" and will keep you updated on the feedback from project management and the development team.