Background of the issue:
I am trying to create an English copy of my site. Most things are okay, but I have an issue with a component not showing on the translated page. On the home page, we have a section with the latest projects (Zadnji projekti) featuring a carousel with 3 slides, each containing a component inserted with a shortcode. On the primary Slovenian page (hidden link), the carousel with the last three projects is visible. However, on the English page (hidden link), the carousel does not appear. I tried creating a blank page in the Slovenian language and inserted the shortcode of the component in a text frame, and it appeared normally. Then, I created a blank page the same way in the English language, but the component does not appear.
The carousel component is not appearing on the translated English page, although it appears on the primary Slovenian page.
Why is the carousel component not appearing on the English page?
How can I make the component appear on the translated page?
Looks like there was a problem with short codes. On english pages it works with ID's, on Slovenian pages I have short codes including names.
Here is an example: On Slovenian page I have short codes of components containing names such as: [cs_gb name="20241212-obenauf-zp"]
If I have inserted short code in the same way (only of translated component) on English page, It did not show. When I change it to id for example: [cs_gb id=5539] it somehow works fine.
Don't know why, but problem is now solved that way.