Background of the issue:
I am trying to translate Rank Math SEO plugin strings using WPML on my English-language website. After migrating from Yoast to Rank Math, I noticed some strings are registered in French instead of English. I observed an option in the WPML String Translation interface to change the language of selected strings, but I'm unsure if this is the best solution.
Rank Math strings are incorrectly registered in French, causing inconsistency as some texts appear in French while the site's primary language is English. This complicates the translation process.
Is there a recommended procedure for reassigning the original language for Rank Math strings that are mistakenly set to French?
Should I use the 'change the language of selected string' option in WPML for this purpose, and are there any potential drawbacks to doing so?
Are there known compatibility issues between WPML and Rank Math that could be causing these strings to be registered in French?
Thank you for contacting WPML support.
While you are waiting for one of my colleagues to take this ticket and work on it, let me provide you with the first debugging steps or if I can help with the issue quickly.