one page is not showing - in redirect loop : hidden link
when trying to show this page (in Hebrew- the original slug before translation)
it redirecting to the ENG slug (without the EN slug) : hidden link
it happened after changing the slug of the translation page and then changed it back (because it caused a problem in the English page)
but after i changed it back - it caused a problem in the Hebrew one
if you add parameter it shows - but on the original page without parameter it's not showing
i tried to turn off wp-rocket and it didn't fix so i guess something with wpml
BTW i tried also disconnecting the translation and then redefine it as the translation and it didn't fix also
please help
thanks !
I can see too many redirects on the said URLs. Perhaps it is happening due to changes in slugs several times and/or due to use of a redirection plugin (i.e. Redirection) or an .htaccess/server based.
However, I'll advise to try the following before moving further:
IMPORTANT: Take full backup of your website and database beforehand. It is highly advised to try the following on a staging/dev site first, so your live website isn't compromised.
- Fix “WP Memory Limit” to at least 128MB while 256MB is recommended. See https://wpml.org/home/minimum-requirements/ for detailed information. You can set this in your wp-config.php file by adding following code:
Remember to add these lines before the line where it says:
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */
- Correct the slugs as you need 'em and save.
- Clear all caches.
- Resave the permalinks in WP dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks. Just hit the save button without making any change in permalinks.
And check if this works. If it doesn't then please follow these steps:
- Deactivate all plugins except WPML and its addons and check for the issue.
- Activate each plugin one-by-one, while keeping check on the issue after a plugin is activated. This way you'll be able to pinpoint a plugin having a conflict (or problem), if any.
- If the problem persists, repeat the above steps with a default theme of WordPress (i.e. 2021 or 2023).
Please let me know your findings and I'll try my best to help you further on the matter.
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