Background of the issue:
I am trying to translate WooCommerce product attribute names using WPML. The translations have been working, but recently the original English names are showing on product pages. The translations are still present in the translated strings. Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
Attribute values appear translated as before, but some product attribute names are not showing as expected. Specifically, 'winery', 'region', and 'grape' attributes are translated, while 'intensity', 'complexity', 'acidity', 'harmonize with', and 'contrast with' are not translated.
Why are some product attribute names not showing their translations?
How can I ensure all attribute names are translated as expected?
Attempted rollback to earlier versions of WPML plugins (Jan 15 2025 versions), but no change noted and updates re-applied.
This problem affects every product page in our shop, which is mostly viewed in translation. This problem is affecting sales and is an urgent matter for us.
An earlier support request discussed changing the language code to assist Webtoffee packing slip translation. The suggestion was to change language code from he-IL to he_IL (which did not rename .mo files as desired, but did cause disconnect between string translations).
This problem is resolved, but we would like assistance getting the .mo translation files to be named using underscore instead of hyphen. If the process is that mentioned int hen article (delete all string translations and re-translate strings after changing language code), understood.