Home›Support›English Support›Problem in activating license key - Unable to parse data from service response
Problem in activating license key - Unable to parse data from service response
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Background of the issue:
I am trying to activate the license key for my website because I face an issue when updating the WPML plugin. I have read in the forum about trying to deactivate the license key and activate it again to update the plugin
I got an error saying 'Unable to parse data from service response'.
How can I resolve the 'Unable to parse data from service response' error because my website is on live server
If you have already tried that, on WPML > Support > Installer support > can you please let us know if you see two green check icons at the top after you click the "check" button? Or are there any red X-ses instead of the green check icons?
If there are any red X-ses, can you please share with us your IP? There might be a block on our end for that IP.