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This thread is resolved. Here is a description of the problem and solution.

You are using Advanced Translator to translate a page and encounter an issue where fields containing code elements are converted to "wmpl_curved" elements, and you cannot save these fields, preventing the completion of the page translation.

It was a temporary issue which our ATE/Dev teams fixed swiftly and has already been rolled out. If you're still experiencing, please clear cache, cancel an existing job and retry.

If this solution becomes irrelevant due to updates or does not apply to your case, we recommend opening a new support ticket. We also advise checking related known issues at, verifying the version of the permanent fix, and confirming that you have installed the latest versions of themes and plugins.

For further assistance, please visit our support forum at WPML Support Forum.

This is the technical support forum for WPML - the multilingual WordPress plugin.

Everyone can read, but only WPML clients can post here. WPML team is replying on the forum 6 days per week, 22 hours per day.

Our next available supporter will start replying to tickets in about 5.79 hours from now. Thank you for your understanding.

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by Waqas Bin Hasan 3 months ago.

Assisted by: Waqas Bin Hasan.

Author Posts
May 21, 2024 at 8:31 am

Knüt Studio

I am using Advanced Translator to translate a page. There are a couple of fields where there are some code elements that WPML converts to "wmpl_curved" elements, which is fine! However, I cannot save those fields, making it impossible to finish the translation of the entire page due to an error with these fields that contain code elements.

May 21, 2024 at 9:32 am
May 21, 2024 at 9:40 am #15649296

Waqas Bin Hasan

Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)


Reference to our recent chat, I had a clue, can you please quickly check this and see if it helps in fixing the problem?

- Go to WPML -> Settings -> Custom Fields Translation
- Find the field "finques-grid-card__definition"
- And set it to "Don't translate", "Copy" or "Copy once", instead of "Translate".
- Then make change in your content in default language (i.e. the test page).
- Save.
- Update Translation and see if that code doesn't appear in ATE (which shouldn't be there however).

Please let me know, meanwhile I am working on my test site.


Screenshot 2024-05-21 143719.jpg
May 21, 2024 at 12:41 pm #15650540

Knüt Studio


I have followed your steps, but nothing changes.

In fact, I am not sure what "finques-grid-card__definition" custom field has to do with it. It is a custom field with some basic text that needs to be translated at some point. So converting it to "Copy", "Copy once" or "Don't translate" wouldn't be an option, anyway.

However, I have tried it, and this field has nothing to do with the issue!

The code that cannot be translated is some dynamic data added to data-attribute of a couple of elements. The dynamic data is pulled from a Metabox color picker field. Maybe this information helps while figuring this out!

Thank you!

May 21, 2024 at 1:14 pm #15650861

Waqas Bin Hasan

Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)

Thank you for the updates. I was suspecting "finques-grid-card__definition" to contain that code definition information but it is clear now that this field is irrelevant, thanks again.

I am working on my sandbox site and trying to reproduce the problem. I'll update you about further progress in the morning.

May 22, 2024 at 7:04 am #15654118

Waqas Bin Hasan

Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

I've setup my sandbox site with fresh WPML and Bricks theme, where I've also tried to reproduce the problem.

But unfortunately I can not reproduce the issue. I've used some colors for text, as well as, the styling but those do not appear in the ATE.

Can you please go to the sandbox site hidden link (one-click login) and try to reproduce the problem? While you do it, please note down the exact steps, so we can then try again.

Looking forward.

May 22, 2024 at 8:14 am #15655738

Knüt Studio


Issue is reproduced following these steps:

1. Create a New page.
2. Edit with Bricks.
3. Add some content, like a Section, a Container, and some text.
4. Add data-attribute to the Section. Styles > Attributes. For testing purposes, I have added Name = Style, Value = background: {post_title}; color: {post_id}; font-weight: {post_slug}. But in my case, the color values are dynamic data from a Metabox color picker on each Post. But we need to have dynamic data in order to reproduce the issue, so I have chosen {post_title}, {post_id} and {post_slug}, even though it makes no sense.
5. Save and publish.
6. Go to WordPress and add a translation from that new page. And here you are stuck with a field that cannot be saved (see screenshot)!

A couple of important things to take into consideration:

- The issue only happens if the field has 3 or more of that <wpml_curved> elements. When I was trying to reproduce the issue if I just added 1 or 2 dynamic data tags, the issue didn't appear. It started happening when the third one was added.

- Also, this not only happens with data-attributes. I also have a page with a form that have 3 dynamic data tags on a field, and that field have the same issue in ATE.

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-22 a les 10.09.39.png
May 22, 2024 at 12:56 pm #15658426

Waqas Bin Hasan

Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)

Thank you for the details, I was able to reproduce the issue with only one element (text).

I've escalated the issue to our 2nd tier for further investigation and 'll update you as soon as I hear back.

Your patience and cooperation is highly appreciated in this matter.

May 22, 2024 at 2:05 pm #15658774

Knüt Studio

Perfect Waqas! Thank you very much!

May 23, 2024 at 11:28 am #15662551

Waqas Bin Hasan

Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)

Just wanted to update you that the issue has further been escalated to our compatibility team.

I'll keep you posted accordingly.

June 25, 2024 at 12:19 pm #15820509

Waqas Bin Hasan

Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00)

Thank you for your patience and cooperation on this.

Our team had fixed the said issue which was also rolled out, can you please recheck and confirm?

June 25, 2024 at 3:49 pm #15822792

Knüt Studio

Yes, the issue is solved!

Thank you!

Knüt Studio confirmed that the issue was resolved on 2024-06-25 15:49:00.
This ticket is now closed. If you're a WPML client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.