We have major problem. We're using DIVI Page builder on a site with 2 languages - ENGLISH (Original) and French translated.
We created the English page using Divi, then we hit the + to translate it to French, we used the Translation Editor to translate the fields.
The issue we're experiencing is this: when we edit and save the English page again using DIVI, sometimes randomly, it overwrites SOME of the content on the French page with English content (sometimes it's an image, sometimes it's some text in a specific section, and sometimes the entire French page breaks and we need to use Revisions to revert it)
Is there a solution to this?
Maybe there's a way to prevent WPML from copying the English content into the translated page when saving in Divi?
Each kind of content would have a different solution or no solution. In general terms, content in custom fields can be "controlled" via the mulitlingual settings here:
WPML > Settings > Custom Field Translation
But the problem, as you describe it, suggests to me an issue of workflow.
What is the process you use to update content?
Do you use the native WordPress editor, save, then select the language "upate required" icon (circular arrow) from the Languages side bar to update the translation?
Or do you use Translation Management to create a translation job (e.g. translation basket, translator assignment) and then update the translation via WPML > Translations ?
What translation editor is involved: the ATE or the CTE?