Background of the issue:
I am trying to use the WPML plugin for auto translation on my website hidden link. I have purchased the $99 plan for this purpose.
The WPML plugin language feature is not working.
Why is the WPML auto translation not working on my website?
Is there a specific setting I need to configure for the WPML plugin to work?
I'm Osama from WPML forums support. I'll be glad to help you today.
1) Would you please share screenshots or a screen-recorded video for the untranslated content?
2) It's unrelated to the issue, but according to your, the WP memory limit needs to be increased. PHP memory is fine, but WordPress uses 40Mb as default. The minimum requirements for WPML are 128 MB. (Kindly check this page
You can increase it by adding the following code in your wp-config.php file right before the /* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */ line: