I am trying to:
Translate a standard elementor widget called "Testimonial carousel"
The strings are found in the ATE, I translate them, complete, but only the images show on the translated front end. The persons name and title don't show, not even in the HTML.
There are no other issues with anything, WPML works fine on all other pages, posts, elementor templates etc. I have turned off the caching plugin. I have also tried making a small change to the page and the specific widget, then translating again - no change.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
Original language page: hidden link
translated: hidden link
I expected to see:
A persons name and title below the image as on the original language page
I couldn't replicate this issue with the basic testimonial widget, please see here: hidden link
I don't have access to Elementor PRO to test the "Testimonial carousel" widget, so may I kindly ask you to reproduce the issue on one of our testing servers?
I have created this clean sandbox setup on our servers here: hidden link (one-click login)
I would need you to please set up WPML + the WPML add-ons as you have them on your site (they are already installed) and to also install Elementor PRO and try to recreate the issue.
Please don't install anything else like plugins that are not necessary, on a clean sandbox we try to use just the WPML plugins and the plugin/theme that's part of the issue.
If the issue is going to take place on this clean setup on our servers too, then I can forward this to our compatibility department.
Please let me know how that goes and what you are able to find.
Hi, your sandbox system doesn't make sense if I can't copy my entire site there - there's no way I can reproduce all the intricate settings of each plugin by just installing the plugins that are on my site.
I would have to copy the settings of each one manually which is too cumbersome.
I was going to create a staging environment on my site instead, but then I noticed that your testimonial had body text and mine didn't, so I compared the original with the translated ones and found out that:
- the Name and Title doesn't show if the testimonial "content" field is blank. So I have added a blank space into each CZ (original language) testimonial "content" field
- WPML probably ignores fields with only a blank space, so the translated version had the "content" field completely blank
- adding a space manually into the field displayed the Title and Name for the EN (translated) version too
Then I tried using instead of a space and it works - WPML does copy and the translated Name and Title shows.