I added an additional 3 languages to the site. In addition to these three, I have English and Polish as the main language.
I have custom post type "fabric" elements.
The fabrics have assigned color taxonomies, where each color has an ACF field with the color added.
Each fabric has a recurring field ACF "color palette", in the first field of this field we have a choice of color from the available taxonomies.
Since this does not change depending on the language, everything is set as "copy", in the ACF settings, so that the same thing is copied in each language.
In the new 3 languages, the field in the taxonomy selection is empty, as if there are no taxonomies for these languages. When we enter the taxonomy in the wordpress panel in one of these 3 languages it throws the error "invalid taxonomy".
Thank you for waiting, as I completed the testing around this.
Since the taxonomy 'paleta kolorów' is set to be 'Not translatable', it becomes unavailable for other languages.
It is available in the English language as I suspect that it was added earlier, when this taxonomy was set to be translatable.
I'll recommend going to WP Admin -> WPML -> Settings -> Taxonomies Translation and set this taxonomy to 'Translateable'.
After that you can use the 'Set language information' button at WP Admin -> WPML -> Support -> Troubleshooting (link) to assign correct language information to the taxonomy terms which are missing it.