Our wait time is higher than usual, please make sure you are meeting the minimum requirement - https://wpml.org/home/minimum-requirements before you report issues, and if you can take a look at current Known Issues - https://wpml.org/known-issues/. Thank you.
Also when I tried the trick with make a slightly change to the page (in the orig. language) a 2nd and 3rd time and then go to the translation editor, I get this error - see screenshot attached.
Is this something on the wpml site itself? As when in the translation editor its a hidden link?.... link and not the website url itself.
Does the same issue occur if you create a new page, for example, a page that contains the same form you are trying to translate?
Our development team is working on similar reports and will probably disable this limit as the new approach is applied. Therefore, this will be improved shortly.
Thank you, Michael. I will check this page as soon as I gain access. For now, I have downloaded the original XLIFF file of that page, which is 2.2 MB in size.
getting back to you today.
The credentials for WP and for Ftp were sent with the other support thread just 2 minutes ago. You could get it from there, right?
Sending you kind regards and have a good day,
I found out that the page builder settings were set to Translatable. This is where the issue comes from, as all builder settings were added to the translation, which was unnecessary. This overloaded the translation job with many strings and exceeded this limit.
What did I do?
1. Go to WPML → Settings → Custom Fields Translation and set the option " Show "Multilingual Content Setup" meta box on post edit screen". This option allows the custom fields used for a particular page to be seen on the page when editing the original.
3. Go to the Kontakt page, scroll ot the bottom, and click on Show system fields
4. Set the following settings for these custom fields and save:
5. Update the original page with a few changes to update the page translation. So, the new translation job is set to ATE without unneeded strings when you click to translate or maybe send the page from WPML → Translation Management for translation myself.
I have uploaded a screenshot for your reference. Those changes for the custom fields are set for the entire site. You might need to update the page translation for existing pages to reflect the changes.