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[Escalated to WPML Developers team] Categories not being saved on Gutenberg editor
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yes, when WPML is enabled and I update a post using the Block editor, I cannot assign any categories (the new assigned categories get unchecked after updating the post)
it doesn't really matter the language, but yes, I'm using atm only english as the default original language (even though multiple languages are active)
My apologies but the small details make the difference.
I am describing the steps one more time :
1) Create a Post in GB in ENG lanague
2) Before Publish assign a category
3) Publish the pots
4) Translate the post in WPML Advanced Translation Editor in all languages
5) For some reason you wish to update the original post
6) Open the original post in EN language
7) Change the category to something else
8) Save but the category is not changed?
Are the above steps correct or am I missing something?
ok let me be describe one more time:
1. create a post in default language, and forget to assign a category, so Uncategorized category gets automatically selected to the post
2. publish the post
3. go back in the post (gutenberg editor) and try to assign other categories
4. check new categories, click on update post
5. Post gets updated through Ajax, newly assigned categories get unchecked and old categories checked as before updating
So based on your steps, you are not translating any post, so no steps related to WPML , but when you disabled WPML , everything is working as expected.
If yes I would like to ask you this :
1) Disabled all plugins except WPML
2) Switch to default theme
3) Try again the same steps that you shared
4) If everything is ok , then start enabling one by one plugin, repeat your steps after each plugin is enabled, and then the last move is to switch to your theme and one more time repeat the steps.
5) Please share the results.
so I've tried to deactivate all plugins except WPML and the problem is still there
I've then activated a default theme and the problem is still there.
I've activated again my theme and deactivated WPML and the problem is gone.
so unfortunately this is 100% an issue generated by WPML 🙁
I tried to replicate the issue locally but I am not able.
May I ask you this?
I created a minimal installation of WordPress, WPML, and all necessary WPML add-ons.
You can access the WordPress dashboard using the link below:
hidden link
Kindly follow the steps below:
1) Set up WPML
2) Install the necessary plugins. In your case you told me that you don't need anything related to replicate the issue.
3) Try to replicate the issue.
This will help us to report the probable issue to the compatibility team and solve the possible problem faster.
I`'ve tested the issue on your site and I wasn't able to replicate it.
so I guess it's a database problem on my side.
I've installed the Plugin WP Optimize to clean the database and something interesting happens:
with all plugins deactivated and only WPML activated, I go and clean the DB, after cleaning the DB i go to one of the posts and try to assign some other categories and it's working just fine without any issues!
but then it's like some option gets stored into the DB (for that post), because when I go for the second time in that post and try again to change the categories, the issue is there again.
this is driving me crazy..
I've created you a user on my staging site, how can I send you the login details? (I imagine this thread is public)