Fatal error: Declaration of MonologLogger::emergency(Stringable|string $message, array $context = []): void must be compatible with PsrLogLoggerInterface::emergency($message, array $context = []) in /Users/tombroucke/Valet/pacificresidences/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Logger.php on line 681
you have been inactive for a while so I have converted the chat to the ticket.
Can you please let me know if the issue still happens with the basic starter theme and if it would be possible to share a basic new test site and steps to reproduce this issue with us?
The problem is that we have dependencies in our site root (thanks to roots/bedrock). roots/acorn requires psr/log (as a subdependency of illuminate/log >monolog/monolog).
So Psr/log v3.0.0 is installed because of our root dependency roots/acorn, but this is conflicting with WPML's psr/log dependency (I assume v2.0.0). Because that older version has no return types in LoggerInterface.php, we get this error.
That's why plugin developers should be wrapping their dependencies in their own namespace.
You can do this using hidden link
I have checked and this has been already escalated to our devs and is scheduled for WPML 4.7. I have added your ticket to the dev one and will update you when there is some news or release related to this.
I am afraid we do not have any workaround for now, but soon new version should be released.
Also, please if you need any more info or have any other doubts, open a new ticket/chat, as this ticket is escalated to devs status, and we might miss any new replies from 3rd user.
@Dražen How soon is soon? Because this topic is nearly one year old and I might need to change the whole stack of my project.
Maybe your dev team could come up with a temporary fix until this upgrade happens.