Sorry could you please create the private option again, but with the option to provide upload links? Somehow my comment with the link was public, so I deleted it.
Hi Kor, my apologies if you were trying to install plugins on the wpml pantheon test site at, and unable to do so.
I've reenabled SFTP write access so that you can manager plugins as needed on this test site. My apologies that SFTP write access was deactivated.
I looked at your Cloudways site and I don't see any migration plugins installed there either, so please try again at your convenience. It also seems that the SQL link you shared keeps timing out, so I'm not sure whether there's some sort of link expiration issue or whether we simply cannot connect from a public http connection.
If it helps, I've installed the following two plugins on
I have some feedback from our 2nd Tier Support team. They suggest that for the ACF flexible field, you have chosen to "copy once," but it's advisable to select "copy" to maintain the correct structure across languages. This particularly applies to the "modules" field.
Could you please give this a try and check if it resolves the issue?