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[Escalated to WPML Developers team] Translation approval management process
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Background of the issue:
We're working with a new translator and would like to prevent their translations from being automatically posted to the site. We've chosen the 'Save the translated post as a draft' option under WPML > Settings > Translated documents options and tested it out.
We were expecting a notification that the translation was ready for us to publish but didn't see this anywhere.
When the translator finished translating a job we sent them, we were expecting a notification that the translation was ready for us to publish but didn't see this anywhere. Is this part of the workflow? How do we know when a translation job is completed?
How does this work when translating templates and patterns? Our theme uses FSE but there aren't 'draft' statuses for things like templates, navigation menus etc. are there? Is there a way for us to check translations for these parts of the website before they're made public?
When you have translations available for review, your translators or reviewers can go to WPML → Translations to view the list of translation jobs. They can filter the list by translations that are Pending review and click the Review button to open each translation on the site’s front end, accept and publish the translations, or edit them.
Regarding FSE I don't believe there is a draft status.
Thanks for sharing how this process is supposed to work. When I follow these steps, the completed translation does not have any actions next to it in the Jobs tab. I do see that a draft of the post was created when I look at the list of French-language posts.
My user account has administrator-level permissions.
Do you happen to have documentation that you could point me to or a video demonstrating this process in action? Thank you!
I misunderstood, and was under the impression the translator you added was using the Automatic Translation.
If they are not using the automatic translation feature the above steps are not relevant.
Since you added an individual translator to manually translate the content, the best option here is indeed to use the 'save the translated post as a draft' option which is why the translation is showing as a draft.
"We've chosen the 'Save the translated post as a draft' option under WPML > Settings > Translated documents options and tested it out."
By default, WPML automatically sends email notifications to notify translators when a new job is waiting for them. To edit this setting:
Go to Users → All Users.
Edit your translator and scroll down to WPML Translator Settings.
Update the Notification emails checkbox.
For you as a translation manager:
Go to WPML->Settings
Translation notifications (tab at the top)
Notification emails to the translation manager -> set to immediately (by default it's set to once a week)
Ahha, ok thanks for pointing out the notification settings, these are extremely helpful. However, the translator is getting notifications about jobs assigned to them immediately but we're still not getting notifications about completed translations even when the setting for translation manager is set to immediately. Can you please advise on how we should proceed from here?
I can verify an issue with the notification email. While we are investigating this, you can always follow the progress of translation in the Translation Dashboard.
For a more detailed view and to cancel jobs, visit the WPML → Translation Jobs list.