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This is the technical support forum for WPML - the multilingual WordPress plugin.

Everyone can read, but only WPML clients can post here. WPML team is replying on the forum 6 days per week, 22 hours per day.

This topic contains 23 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by nicolasD-48 4 years, 5 months ago.

Assisted by: Bruno Kos.

Author Posts
April 3, 2020 at 9:11 am #5830041


April 3, 2020 at 9:15 am #5830099

Bruno Kos

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch ) French (Français )

Timezone: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+02:00)


Would you be willing to provide me with WordPress credentials so I could investigate the issue directly?

Please make a full backup of your site before sharing this info!

I marked your next reply as private so that you can safely add credentials.

You can use plugins such as UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin ( or ask your host to perform a site backup.

Bruno Kos

April 3, 2020 at 9:24 am #5830163


Hey 🙂

Did you get the credentials ?


April 3, 2020 at 9:26 am #5830171

Bruno Kos

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch ) French (Français )

Timezone: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+02:00)


Yes, but give me couple of minutes before I check this all out, this is now a ticket and not the chat so I may not respond the same minute 🙂

Bruno Kos

April 3, 2020 at 9:35 am #5830247


Ok. Thanks!
I've been a little bit confused with the tickets..

April 3, 2020 at 9:40 am #5830255

Bruno Kos

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch ) French (Français )

Timezone: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+02:00)


So to proceed, I "duplicate" the German page, and then just change the title

But in this case, it no longer a duplicate, but a translation instead. I assume you used " translate independently".

if I need to update the gallery/portfolio -> I need to copy the changes over the translations. This is not smart at all..

As far as I understand this, you're basically looking for translation management here, however you're using Multilingual Blog license which does not have it I'm afraid.

So the license you currently have only allows you to translate pages manually, so there is nothing we can fix here (you could upgrade your license though).

Bruno Kos

April 6, 2020 at 6:00 pm #5851277


Hi Bruno!

Sorry, I actually did not notice you answer and then was busy with others stuff..

Well, maybe I need the Translation Management plugin indeed.. I purchased it...and will try..

However, I made a little mistake and forgot to use my VAT number during the purchase.. Would it possible to correct this ?

my VAT is DE278342624
Order #5851259


April 6, 2020 at 6:23 pm #5851403


Hi again :).

Well, it did not go well... I can not just translate the title for my portfolio. I've the feeling your plugins is just great for big site, but not much use for mine.
It takes me much more time with the translation manager as manually.. and it's super cucumber..

April 6, 2020 at 6:24 pm #5851405


Is it possible that the Translater manager IGNORES the pictures' caption?

April 6, 2020 at 7:05 pm #5851519


Sorry 🙂

How can I remove translation task ?

It's quite difficult to work on for a one person site..

Screen Shot 2020-04-06 at 21.03.43.png
April 6, 2020 at 7:15 pm #5851571


I translated an english page to french

hidden link
hidden link

Unfortunately, the woocommerce product get "lost in translation". Moreover, is it possible to NOT change the link name ? It should be always "/prints-kurdistan/".

Moreover, the German version is so far "lost". as I can't translate it from English to Germany so far..
hidden link

It's a total mess that the plugins change the link too..

Thanks in advance for your support!

For now, WPML looks featureful but so cucumber and a little buggy..

April 6, 2020 at 7:31 pm #5851609


I need to leave the office. I disable for the night the additional plugins (as it tends more to confuse me as to help). You have access to my site, so you can enable it to see that I mean..

I'm looking forward your support and help to get it running. For now, maybe because I do not understand how it works correctly, it's much much more work with the translation manager as without.. but I guess it should be the over way round..

See you:)

April 7, 2020 at 6:05 am #5853791

Bruno Kos

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch ) French (Français )

Timezone: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+02:00)


For the VAT number, can you go to and update this field there? Should be within Account Settings.

Can you perhaps summarise your questions, along with some images and urls perhaps, so that I know exactly where my help is needed?

Bruno Kos

April 7, 2020 at 1:05 pm #5857615


Hello Bruno,

first, I want to apologise.. yesterday I have been a little bit nerved: bad day, and you know we can not enjoy fresh air as usual..

This morning, I worked again with a fresh head, and I did have some success and understood better how it works. and it's indeed good!

So I can summarise my issues for now:

1) I notice WPML tends to change the slug of the translated stuff. I could stop it doing this for page, but it still translate the slug of product for example. This is not wat I want. To me the slug should never change as the argument "?page=xx" is just fine.
-> How to configure WPML so it does NOT translate slug, never. Especially for products.

2) How to make sure the date of the post are not change in the translated document ?

3) When I start a new translation, I wish oft to translate the content (text) but not the caption of the pictures. However, WPML always want translation for every single captions of every pictures.. how to prevent this ?

I will continue this week to work in the site as I wish to get something in shape until next week. Your support is much appreciated!

Thanks for your patience and understanding.
See you!

April 7, 2020 at 1:25 pm #5857817

Bruno Kos

Languages: English (English ) German (Deutsch ) French (Français )

Timezone: Europe/Zagreb (GMT+02:00)


1) I notice WPML tends to change the slug of the translated stuff.

In fact, no, only if this option is enabled you can translate. I just tested on a product and I ended up with:
hidden link
hidden link

This is controlled on WPML -> Settings -> Translated documents options -> Page URL, where you can only choose to translate this.

I tested with posts also:
hidden link
hidden link

It is different for taxonomies though, as WordPress itself would not allow you to have same slugs multiple times (i.e. in German and English).

Where did this occur to you?

2) How to make sure the date of the post are not change in the translated document ?

This is controlled on WPML -> Settings -> Posts and pages synchronization -> Copy publishing date to translations, where you can enable it.

However, WPML always want translation for every single captions of every pictures.. how to prevent this ?

I don't see the way of disabling this as it is part of the plugin core - you can simply copy this field from the original.

Bruno Kos

This ticket is now closed. If you're a WPML client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.