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This thread is resolved. Here is a description of the problem and solution.

I'm translating a Finnish website with Woocommerce to English, using The7 as theme.

Everything's going okay so far but I can't get English checkout to work. I've clicked the plus-icon for my Finnish Checkout and Cart pages to create the english translations, then I copy the content from original Finnish pages, and change the texts and leave shortcodes as they were. I have also tried to use the Translation management method...

Cart dropdown shows two buttons: View cart & Checkout. View cart goes to, but Chekcout goes to which is the default Finnish cart page.

Go to Woocommerce -> Settings -> Payments-tab and in Klarna checkout I had the finnish checkout link in the "Custom Checkout Page - Finland " field. It seems the checkout pages work as intended now in Finnish and English.

This is the technical support forum for WPML - the multilingual WordPress plugin.

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by Radu 4 years, 11 months ago.

Assisted by: Radu.

Author Posts
October 2, 2019 at 9:23 am #4678213


Hi, I'm sorry this is the second ticket for this issue, the previous one got buried since the site translation was on hold, but now it's live.

I'm translating a Finnish website with Woocommerce to English, using The7 as theme.

Everything's going okay so far but I can't get English checkout to work. I've clicked the plus-icon for my Finnish Checkout and Cart pages to create the english translations, then I copy the content from original Finnish pages, and change the texts and leave shortcodes as they were. I have also tried to use the Translation management method...

Cart dropdown shows two buttons: View cart & Checkout. View cart goes to, but Chekcout goes to which is the default Finnish cart page. By studying past threads, I think it's Klarna thats causes the issue. The links to solutions in those old threads are hidden, would you have up to date info how to fix this issue? Thank you!

October 2, 2019 at 1:16 pm #4680489


Hey Matti,

Nice to see you back 🙂

I looked a the thread from a month ago ( I also had a look at the website here hidden link and I could see the issue you described.

Can you send me some links from the old threads that you mentioned, please? I just want to see if I can access the hidden parts. Also, it would be great if you could give me access to the dashboard area of your website so I can have a closer look at this. I'm sure we'll be able to sort things out together.

The next reply is set to be private so you can safely send me the credentials.


October 6, 2019 at 5:58 pm #4703103


Hey Matti,

Thank you for giving me access to the dashboard area of your website. I didn't need access to FTP so don't worry about that.

I checked the checkout page and I could see that if I try to change to the English version from here hidden link by using the English flag (from the language switcher), everything works fine.

This means that there's something wrong in the way that the cart area from the top right corner is getting the translation for the checkout page. Can you tell me which is the option that you used to add this element, please? I looked at the Top Bar & Header section from the Theme Options and I could find a cart element added to the microwidgets in navigation area. Is this the element that's taking care of the cart element? I want to make sure that I'm checking the right option.


October 9, 2019 at 7:00 am #4720009


Hi Radu,

The language switcher is from WPML-> Languages -> Menu language switcher. There are two menus since the7-theme needs them for anchor links, but that shouldn't matter 🙂

The cart is indeed added from Microwidgets in Theme Options -> Top bar & header.

October 13, 2019 at 8:16 am #4744151


Hey Matti,

As I can see, you modified the main theme and you're using a child theme too. Our plugin is compatible with the The7 theme but one of the changes you made on the main theme (or in the child theme) might be causing this issue.

That's why, in order to make sure that this is not an issue caused by one of the custom changes, please install the main clean The7 theme, and tell me if the issue is still available. You can try to do this on a staging website in order not to change the live website.

Please give this a try and tell me how it goes.


October 16, 2019 at 9:04 am #4763901


Hi, I migrated a copy of the site to a sandbox server and tried changing the theme and disabling some plugins.

I can confirm that disabling the plugin "WooCommerce Klarna Gateway" fixed the Checkout-link but of course the checkout doesn't work then, it's just shortcodes there.

Can we use the Plugin editor to fix the problem? Or is this a job for Klarna support? With plugin editor I can see the plugin has code like this:

// Get current customers selected language if this is a multi lanuage site.
			$iso_code            = explode( '_', get_locale() );
			$this->shop_language = strtoupper( $iso_code[0] ); // Country ISO code (SE).

			switch ( $this->shop_language ) {
				case 'NB':
					$this->shop_language = 'NO';
				case 'SV':
					$this->shop_language = 'SE';

Since we have gone bilingual with this site, we are in a process of upgrading Klarna to accept international payments, which I think means we will replace the plugin (??) but I'm not sure. Can we keep this thread unlocked until we have made the upgrade?

October 16, 2019 at 9:13 am #4763993


I think I found the reason for the problem and fixed it.

I went to Woocommerce -> Settings -> Payments-tab and in Klarna checkout I had the finnish checkout link in the "Custom Checkout Page - Finland " field. It seems the checkout pages work as intended now in Finnish and English.

October 16, 2019 at 10:42 am #4764681


Hey Matti,

I'm glad to hear that you managed to sort this out. Well done!

I'll mark this ticket as resolved now. I you have any other question or issue, feel free to open a new ticket and we'll take care of it.


This ticket is now closed. If you're a WPML client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.