Background of the issue:
I am trying to translate a label on my site hidden link using WPML.
The label is not translated.
Why is the label not translated?
How can I fix the label translation issue?
I can not find the label for translation from WPForms.
why do you close my ticket without being solved?
Lucas Vidal de Andrade
English (English )
Spanish (Español )
German (Deutsch )
Portuguese (Brazil) (Português )
America/Sao_Paulo (GMT-03:00)
Thank you for contacting WPML support. While you are waiting for one of my colleagues to take this ticket and work on it, let me provide you with first debugging steps or if I can perhaps help with the issue quickly.
Please check our documentation on how to translate WPForms. We have an specific plugin that needs to be installed along with WPForms so that they can be translated:
Also, please note that dynamic content that belongs to posts, forms, pages must not be translated via String Translation. String Translation is meant to be used only for static texts. Please check this link:
https://wpml.org/documentation/getting-started-guide/string-translation/#:~:text=WPML%20String%20Translation%20allows%20you,titles%2C%20and%20many%20other%20texts .
If that does not help, one of my colleagues will soon come to continue support.