Hey there, I have a problem. We are hosted on WP Engine and have three environments (PRD - production.cloudtalk.io; STG - staging.cloudtalk.io and DEV - devcloudtalk.wpengine.com). We would like to make changes on Staging env and then on Production run PULL to get changes live. In other situations, we should occasionally run PULL on DEV env to get an actual version for development purposes.
The problem seems to be with WPML, we have all three envs on different domains and all of them are registered on WPML. PRD is registered as production WPML, STG, and DEV as development WPML. However, we have struggled with PULLs. After a PULL on DEV (to get STG) - the WPML warning about "site moved or copied. Which I definitely don't want to click after every migration. And the second part of the problem - after a PULL on PRD (to get STG) - the WPML warning shows but the even bigger problem - production WPML is now registered as development on WPML.
I really need to fix this asap. Is there any chance to get rid of migrating WPML licenses data to prevent this? I'd really appreciate your help. I am pretty desperate. :-/
Thank you very much and have a nice day.
Hello, I'm reopening this ticket due to the continuous state of still-returning warning with "site moved or copied". I set up OTGS_INSTALLER_SITE_KEY_WPML in wp-config on all three envs with their proper keys. However, the warning keeps returning paralyzing our translation management and changes migrations. Even when on STG is never migrated from any other the warning returns. Even when I pull changes on PRD from STG and on DEV from STG ...
It really doesn't matter what we are doing ... the warning becoming to be a real nightmare for us.
Thank you for the updates. I am consulting our second level support team for a more details regarding this issue. I will update you here as soon as I have some more details regarding it.
Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. Have a nice day.
The point here is to unregister them and make sure sure they are registered with the key defined in wp-config.php file.
Just adding the key as constant in this file, without unregistering the site first won't make it work properly. Please, make sure to not delete those keys in your wpml.org account.
2 - As regarding the ATE notice regarding site moved or copied, ATE stores the website domains in order to track when they change, the registration key wont prevent it. So, the noticed is required and we don't have any way of preventing it for now. You can sugest a feature to prevent it at: https://wpml.org/suggest-a-new-feature-for-wpml/
Here is what I did:
1) I commented out WPML keys in wp-config.php at all 3 envs. And cleared cache.
2) I navigated into Plugins - Add new - Commercial and there I unregistered site. Did on all 3 envs.
3) I deleted all the keys in WPML admin. And cleared cache.
4) I created a new key and added him into the WPML key in wp-config.php and uncommented it. Did on all 3 envs. And cleared cache.
5) I checked in WordPress that new key is loading from wp-config.php.
6) Site moved/copied alert occurs on two envs. I set moved and cleared the cache.
It worked for two hours. But now the alert still returns - and turns me very mad.
What did I wrong? I think I did everything perfectly. How could this be happening?
Thank you for the updates. I forwarded these points to our second level support so a possible escalation could be considered. I will update you here as soon as I have some more details regarding it.
Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. Have a nice day.
Thank you for your continued patience. I got some more details from our second level support team and a possible explanation for the 'site move/copied' notice is back again should be due some action in the database.
You mentioned it happens around 2 hours after you click to dismiss it. Can you please, confirm if you migrate the database in this period? If so, then it is expected.
Thank you for your collaboration. Have a nice day.
Yes, we had to try the migrations and if it works. So migrations contain particular database tables, plugins, media etc. So after the setup - yes the migration took place.
Thank you for the updates. I forwarded your updates to our second level support, so we can consider an escalation for a complete investigation. I will update you here on the progress of your request.
Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. Have a nice day.
Thank you for your patience while waiting. This issue is now escalated to our second level support for a detailed investigation. I will update you here as soon as I have some more details on the issue resolution progress.
Thank you for your understanding. Have a nice day.
Thank you for the updates. I've just checked our issue tracker and unfortunately we still don't have any workaround for that. I pingged our supporters in order to have a resolution for that. I will update you here as soon as I have some more details.
Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. Have a nice day.