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We just released WPML 4.6.7. This update improves how WPML handles dual domain setups, offers performance boosts for large multilingual sites, and delivers other improvements.

Better Workflow for Dual Domain Setups

If you have two independent domains pointing to the same website, WPML has been reading this as a site move or copy. As a result, WPML showed you the migration wizard and stopped you from translating on the secondary domain.

For such setups, WPML 4.6.7 adds a Force-enable WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor button to the WPML Troubleshooting page. This lets you use the Advanced Translation Editor on both sites without needing to go through the migration wizard.

Fixed Automatic Translation Review

When reviewing automatically translated pages, you may have noticed previews showing an outdated version of the translation. At the same time, the Advanced Translation Editor and front-end of your website would show the most recent translations.

We’ve pinned down and fixed this issue, which occurred because old autosaves were overwriting the preview post.

Performance Gains for Large Sites

WPML 4.6.7 reduces the number of queries and memory usage needed to show the translation status icon on your lists of posts and pages. This ensures smoother operation for sites translating numerous posts across various secondary languages.

Other Bug Fixes and Enhancements

When using cache plugins like Redis Object Cache or Object Cache Pro with WPML, you may have encountered the following issues:

  • After selecting the Translate Everything Automatically mode in the WPML Setup wizard, the status of your automatic translations was stuck on “Calculating…”.
  • After you created a new user and added them as a translator, they didn’t show up for selection in the Translation Basket until you cleared the cache.

WPML 4.6.7 resolves these issues, which occurred only when persistent object caching was enabled.

Additionally, WPML 4.6.7 fixes two fatal PHP errors that could happen in specific cases:

  • An error causing a blank screen, with PHP Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: element_id and type do not match appearing in debug mode. 
  • An error reading [Unknown column: rid or invalid id: 0] that appeared when trying to add a translation.

WPML 4.6.7 also resolves other bugs and glitches.

Get WPML 4.6.7

We’re rolling out the update gradually, so you might not see WPML 4.6.7 in your admin immediately. 

Want it sooner? Navigate to the Plugins → Add New page, hit the Commercial tab, and click Check for updates.

Share Your Thoughts

We are working on some great features for WPML 4.7, so stay tuned! If you have any questions or feedback about this release, leave a comment and we’ll reply.

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7 Responses to “WPML 4.6.7 – Bug Fixes and a Boost in Performance”

    • Hello,
      I’m not sure I understand what you’re waiting to hear from us about. Are you waiting for a reply from a member of our team, or for the release to reach your site?

  1. Is the new Force ATE setting suitable for when you have production and staging site running in parallel?

    • Hi Gabriel,
      The Force-enable WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor button is only meant to be used if you’re running your website from two or more domains on the same installation. You shouldn’t use it if you’ve moved or copied your site to a different domain on a different server. If you’re using a copy of your site and your original site is still running, you can follow the migration wizard. There, you can decide between sharing translation credits across both sites or setting up a separate pay-as-you-go subscription or assigning credits to your staging site.

  2. with the recent update we found that preview in page editor is not working correctly. It doesnt show the changes. When disabeling the wpml plugin it works correctly. Previous wpml version didnt have this issue.

    env: multisite
    php 8.2
    wp version 6.3