hi i chat today with support about this website
i installed fresh WPML on old (used to be) translated website- that we REbuild recently
and i get the error massage added below.
the supporter sent me a link showing how to resolve it- by adding a function to "functions" then enter home page- but it didn't fix it completely.
it allowed me to add English as a second language, (so that 1 fix), but my default language cannot be set to hebraw- The whole websites default language is HEB and all the content suppose to be identified as HEB before i could add ENG as a second one and add ENG translations.
+i still get the error in CMS
please help
since its a LIVE in production website- i turned off WMPL CMS for now
thank you
We have detected a problem with some tables in the database. Please contact WPML support to get this fixed.
It seems your website is missing some WPML tables. You mentioned that you just installed WPML on the site where it was translated before.
I suspect that there are some leftovers related to WPML from the old website. I suggest you reset WPML entirely and start configuring it again. This means that no old translations will be available, but I believe you are expecting this.
You need to go to WPML → Support and click the Troubleshooting link. In the Reset section of the Troubleshooting page, please select the I am about to reset all translation and language data checkbox. Then, click the Reset and deactivate WPML button.