Tell us what you are trying to do? Translate Caldera Form
Is there any documentation that you are following? No
Is there a similar example that we can see? No
What is the link to your site? hidden link
Is there a way to translate the Form so that if a viewer is in the site language of their choice, the Form will automatically appear in that language, instead of an antiquated drop down language picker appearing?
First of all, thank you very much for your patience and sorry to have you waiting - there is a very full ticket queue at the moment and it takes us a bit more than usual to answer tickets.
From what I can see in the documentation from Caldera, the dropdown language picker is expected and normal, as it's the way Caldera forms implemented this multilingual functionality for the moment so there's no way to go around that unless they don't change the way they implement this functionality.
I hope that I was able to answer your question.
Please let me know if you still have any other questions about this matter.