When i go to vendor dashboards for dokan and try to translate from an to fr it redirect me to account page (mon compte) but if i try from fr to an it work and refresh the dashboard in english (and same problem for other dokan pages)
I'm using different domain name for the language (noxspro.com for english) and (noxs.fr for french)
Welcome to the WPML support forum. My name is Nicolas and I will be happy to help you today.
Let's start by meeting WPML's minimum requirements because it could impact your translations. I've noticed your website has a low PHP memory allocation (40M). The minimum requirements for WPML is 128M but we recommend 256M:
Access your server via FTP and open wp-config.php (in your WordPress root directory).
Insert those lines just before /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
Now regarding your issue, could you please give me more detail so I have a better understanding.
1. When i go to vendor dashboards for dokan and try to translate from an to fr it redirect me to account page (mon compte)
What do you mean by that? You're logged in as a vendor and when you try to switch language from English to French you are automatically redirected to "My account" regardless of the page you were on? Do you use our language switcher to change language? If so, it could be linked to the low PHP memory mentioned above, please once you followed the instructions above, clear your cache and retry again.
2. Screenshots
From the screenshots you shared it seems that you translated some strings in "WPML > String Translation" but could you please tell me where those strings are coming from? It seems to be a plugin to report abuse, maybe a pop-up plugin?
Can you edit those texts in your admin dashboard? If so, where do you edit them.
- Usually editable texts can be find in "WPML > String Translation", then scroll to the bottom and at the left click "Translate texts in admin screens"
- Then search for those texts, select them and click "Add to String Translation"
- Then go back to "String Translation" and translate them
Ref: https://wpml.org/documentation/getting-started-guide/string-translation/finding-strings-that-dont-appear-on-the-string-translation-page/
Sure, I can have a look at your admin dashboard but first, could you please elaborate a bit more so I have a better understanding of the issue and I know where to look?
1) Could you please reply to my 2 points above
2) Could you explain me where to find those texts, which plugin they are coming from, where did you set them?
3) Where can I see the issue on the frontend, on which page, what do I have to do?
Then, yes please provide me with a temporary admin access (wp-admin and FTP) – preferably to a test site where the issue has been replicated – so I can further investigate. I will activate a private field for your next answer where you can provide that information safely (this field is only visible by you and the support team). Don't share your own admin account, create a new one that you will delete when we finish troubleshooting.
IMPORTANT: Before we proceed, please backup your site and database.