Experiencing database deadlocks intermittently. Since the solution offered is always, clear the WPML cache, is there a way to do this via the WP CLI so I can set up a cron to do this once a week?
Truncate the table icl_background_task so all entries are removed - clean slate
Make sure that cron works
Enable Advanced Translation Editor if not enabled as an editor.
Can you tell me if any of the troubleshooting actions are available via the WP CLI? It would still be very useful to be able to execute some of these tasks via the command line instead of logging into the admin panel.
We have an unofficially WP-CLI integration used mostly by our development team and QA departments.
It's not officially announced, but safe enough to use. Please create a full backup and run the following WP-CLI command, which will exactly do what you wish:
$ wp wpml clear-cache
Once it's successfully done, the prompt will respond with "Success: WPML cache cleared"