I have been doing more tests and i think i have narrowed it down: the issue seems to disappear for "new" products (that is why it is working in the testing environment).
I made the test of deleting the first product that my import process tries to import and that product was imported successfully. then, when it started to try import the second product (which had not been deleted and thus existed already) the problem happened again. This are the logs gotten from the second product attempt to import:
Record #2
[13:50:26] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[13:50:26] Combine all data for post `RPG 7`...
[13:50:26] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `RPG 7`...
[13:50:26] Duplicate post was found for post RPG 7 with unique key `1CN1WEB1020`...
[13:50:26] Preserve date of already existing article for `XXXX`
[13:50:26] Preserve status of already existing article for `XXXX`
[13:50:26] Preserve slug of already existing article for `XXXX`
[13:50:26] Preserve menu order of already existing article for `XXXX`
[13:50:26] Preserve post parent of already existing article for `XXXX`
[13:50:26] Preserve post type of already existing article for `XXXX`
[13:50:26] Preserve comment status of already existing article for `XXXX`
[13:50:26] Preserve ping status of already existing article for `XXXX`
[13:50:26] Preserve post author of already existing article for `XXXX`
[13:50:26] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `XXXX`
[13:50:26] UPDATING `XXXX` `Product`
the after this no more logs and just the process stop (i had 1 iteration per batch)
That is some great feedback and discovery. To add on to this as I know recentlly you had the other ticket with WPML All Import.
1. Does this persist even when removing the workaround steps provided by our team?
2. On the sandbox environment If you re-upload the XML file to test on the product that is no longer new and exists does the same error happen or is that solely still on the live server
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