Hi, I have trouble with MailChimp for WordPress Multilingual extension. If I use following mailchimp shortcode [mc4wp_form id="259"], it is ok in CZ version, but in EN version the form has id 260. I don't know why if this is the same shortcode used. However, if I output form by mc4wp_show_form(259) function, form in both languages has the same id, but the problem is, that form content is not translated. I did everything by the manual, created translation job, translated everything but still it displays czech language in EN version...
I'm delighted to inform you that the issue you were having with the MC4WP shortcode is fixed now. The reason the Form was not working is, MC4WP treats the form as a new form in each language. That is why it added a unique Form ID for the form in the English language. The Form ID for Czechia is 259 and for English is 260.
Now, the "Mailchimp list for subscribers" was configured correctly for the form in the Czechia language, but not for the English language. I selected the same list for the English language and that solved the issue. The steps as follows:-
- Navigate to MC4WP > Form and switch the language to your preferred one.
- Click on the Settings Tab.
- Select a list from "Lists this form subscribes to" and save the changes.
Please check now and let me know if there is anything else if you need help with.