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This is the technical support forum for WPML - the multilingual WordPress plugin.

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This topic contains 25 replies, has 3 voices.

Last updated by danielM-3 2 days, 6 hours ago.

Assisted by: Ilyes.

Author Posts
September 2, 2024 at 1:31 pm #16131905


<b>Background of the issue: </b>
I am trying to translate a record using the WPML editor on the site hidden link. I have been following the WPML documentation.

<b>Symptoms: </b>
When I click the 'Abschließen' button after translating a record, it sends me back to the original record instead of the translated version.

<b>Questions: </b>
Why does the 'Abschließen' button not take me to the translated record?
How can I access the translated record after using the WPML editor?

second problem: when using the translation queue for multiple records, the “überprüfung”/verification does not work

September 2, 2024 at 1:44 pm #16132101

Nicolas V.

Languages: English (English ) French (Français )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)


Welcome to the WPML support forum. Based on your screenshots, being redirected to the original content is normal behavior. Here's why:

- To translate content (page, post, custom post type), you click the "+" icon.
- This takes you to the Advanced Translation Editor (ATE) for translation.
- After completing the translation, you’re automatically redirected back to the original content.
This is intended, as editing translations directly in the WordPress editor isn't recommended. Also, returning to the original language allows you to continue working on other translations.

For your second question about the translation queue, I need a bit more clarification. Could you provide more details or share screenshots like before? A short video could also help greatly, you can use and share the link with me.

Thank you!

September 3, 2024 at 1:24 pm #16135889


Dear Nicolas,

thank you for your reply! Is there any way in the workflow you described to get to the new translated content from the ATE?

Regarding the second topic:
In the attached screenshot you see the "Review" button. Is there a way to link the "review" button to the admin-url of the translated post? The frontend-link does not work for us because we use wordpress as a headless cms.


Bildschirmfoto 2024-09-03 um 15.07.29.png
September 3, 2024 at 8:39 pm #16137831

Nicolas V.

Languages: English (English ) French (Français )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)


If I understand correctly because you're using WordPress as a headless CMS, you don't have access to the frontend review right?

I have recorded a short video where I explain two workarounds that will allow you to access the Advanced Translation Editor (ATE) without going through the frontend revision.

Video: hidden link

September 9, 2024 at 5:55 am #16153490


Dear Nicolas,

thank you very much for the video! I think that solves the problem regarding the frontend view of the translated post.

But i just found another issue:

When using the ATE to translate a post it seems breaks and paragraphs are being stripped from the richtext editor field after the translation is done.

See the two screenshots attached. Can this be avoided somehow? Thank you!

screenshot 2 translated.png
screenshot 1 original.png
September 9, 2024 at 6:06 am #16153654


Dear Nicolas,

there's one more problem:

We are using ACF with the flexible_content field. In one flexible_content element, the subfields are not being translated in the ATE at all. See the 3 screenshots attached.

Thank you!

screenshot 4.png
screenshot 3.png
screenshot 2 acf config.png
screenshot 1 acf config.png
September 9, 2024 at 12:05 pm #16156047

Nicolas V.

Languages: English (English ) French (Français )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)


1. Regarding your first question, could the issue be that you're using the text editor instead of the visual editor?

I noticed that there are no paragraph tags "<p>" or break tags "<br />"

2. As for ACF fields, configuring translation preferences for each field can be challenging. Let's begin by reviewing your current setup:
- In "WPML > Settings > Post Types Translation", make sure that the translation preference for "Field Groups (acf-field-group)" is set to "Not translatable."

- Now, when you edit your ACF groups in the default language, this is where you determine the translation preference for each field. Here we are talking about the translation of the field value in "Custom Fields > Field groups".

I recommend setting the Multilingual mode to "Same fields across languages". However, if you use the "Expert mode" please follow these rules:
- "Copy" for special fields "Repeater" and "Flexible".

For all other fields (including subfields of flexible content):
- "Translate" for all the fields you want to translate such as texts, WYSIWYG etc...
- Use "Copy" if you don't want to translate the field but keep the same value, for example for colors, true/false, images etc...


September 9, 2024 at 2:08 pm #16157022



1) I'm using the TinyMCE Editor for ACF textarea field (visual mode).

2) I changed the flexible_content field to "copy_once" and the factbox fields which do not get translated to "translate". Unfortunately they still do not appear in the ATE for automatic translation?

September 9, 2024 at 5:25 pm #16158151

Nicolas V.

Languages: English (English ) French (Français )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)

Hi Daniel,

- The flexible_content fields should be set to "Copy", while the subfields should be set to "Translatable."
- Note that updating the translation preferences can take some time. You can monitor the progress via the WPML icon in your top admin bar.
- For a quick test, try applying these fields to a different page to check if the preferences are correctly set.
- Lastly, edit your original page and make a small modification to these fields; this should trigger an "update needed" on the translation.

September 11, 2024 at 4:34 am #16164043


Dear Nicolas,

thank you very much for your support! I tried these things.

1) "Factbox" element is not translated

I changed the fields to "copy" and "translate" and created a new post. See the attached screenshot. Now automatic translation works fine.

One important question: Is it save to change the module "factbox" from "copy once" to "copy" and the two content fields within from "copy once" to "translate" on a live site with existing content?

2) Line breaks / paragraphs get stripped during translation

I tried this again and wrote some text in a WYSIWYG editor field (see the screenshot attached). After automatic translation to English all paragraphs and linebreaks are stripped from the text.

Is there anything i can do about it?

3) Strange behaviour of translation workflow to Italian

Using the automatic translation from German -> English works fine (except the glitches mentioned above).

But when using automatic translation from Germen -> Italian the behaviour is strange. When i proceed with the auomatic translation and click on the "Abschließen" (Finish) button the page reloads, but the translation state does not update and the translation never get's finished (like it does with Englisch).

Maybe there's some setting missing for Italian?

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

topic 3 workflow 2.png
topic 3 workflow 1.png
topic 2 text german.png
topic 2 text english missing paragraphs.png
topic 1 translated fields.png
topic 1 field settings.png
September 11, 2024 at 1:31 pm #16166772

Nicolas V.

Languages: English (English ) French (Français )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)


I'm not sure to fully understand as I'm not familiar with your site. Let’s tackle one issue at a time to keep things clear.

1. Based on your screenshot, I’ve added my comments to make sure we're referring to the same fields:
- The field type REPEATER should be set to "COPY."
- The subfields within that repeater should be set to "TRANSLATE."
Hopefully, that clarifies this part!

2. You can adjust the translation preferences directly on your production site:
- This won’t affect the repeater behavior: "Copy once" copies the repeater fields only when you create the translation for the first time, while "Copy" will ensure they remain identical every time you update the original.
- For the subfields previously set to "Copy once", the translation field will initially contain the original language text, but you will be able to manually update it with the correct translation.

1. Go to "ACF > Field Groups" and edit the translation preferences.
2. Wait for the preferences to update.
3. Edit the original page (make a minor change, such as adding a space at the end of your fields) and save it.
4. Edit the translation using our translation editor.

Once we have resolved this issue, we can look into the paragraphs in the Visual editor. You can already check the “Presentation” tab for this ACF field, where there is an option to determine how to render new lines and automatically add paragraphs.

September 12, 2024 at 5:19 pm #16173032


Dear Nicolas,

thank you! We will change the translation settings on the live server by the beginning of next week. Good to know from your side that changing the translation settings won't affect existing content / translated content at all.

Regarding topic 2 (line breaks): In some cases we have the opposite behaviour where additional linebreaks are added in the translation.

I'm not sure how the acf setting ("determine how to render new lines and automatically add paragraphs") could be a solution here? The problem with the added/removed line breaks only occurs when translating the content using the ate / automatic translation; it's not a problem with the original content.

Thank you!

September 13, 2024 at 11:24 am #16175297

Nicolas V.

Languages: English (English ) French (Français )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)


Regarding the second issue, would you be able to give me access to the staging site?

I will activate a private field for your next answer where you can provide that information safely (this field is only visible by you and the support team). Don't share your own admin account, create a new one that you will delete when we finish troubleshooting.

IMPORTANT: Before we proceed, please backup your site and database.

Please also provide the field group name and a test page that is using it so I can run some tests.

September 16, 2024 at 4:19 am #16181174


Of course the admin url ends with /wp-admin 🙂

September 16, 2024 at 2:36 pm #16184480

Nicolas V.

Languages: English (English ) French (Français )

Timezone: America/Lima (GMT-05:00)


I can't access the staging site. I have the following error:

This site can’t be reached
took too long to respond.

Could you please check that for me?