Thanks for contacting WPML forums support. I'll be glad to help you today.
1) Please elaborate more on the issue to help me understand it better. Adding screenshots or a screen-recorded video while reproducing the issue would be great.
2) It's unrelated to the issue, but according to your, the WP memory limit needs to be increased. PHP memory is fine, but WordPress uses 40Mb as default. The minimum requirements for WPML are 128 MB. (Kindly check this page
You can increase it by adding the following code in your wp-config.php file right before the /* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */ line:
Hi, Osama. Thank you for your response and advice, I did what you advised. As for the issue - I'm trying to add custom tabs to the product page with WooCommerce Product Tabs Pro, but they do not show. Screenshots attached. When I deactivate WPML, everything is working. Thank you in advance.
Thanks for your update. I would need to look closely at your site, so I would need to request temporary access (WP-Admin and FTP)
– preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible –
in order to be of better help and check if some configurations might need to be changed.
Your next answer will be private, which means only you and I can access it.
❌ Please backup your database and website ❌
✙ I would need your permission to de-activate and re-activate the Plugins and the Theme and change configurations on the site. This is also a reason the backup is critical.
✙ I also need your permission to take a local copy of your site to debug the issue without affecting your live site.
Thanks for the access details. It seems like a compatibility issue, so please login to this sandbox site and upload the Products Tabs Pro plugin. (hidden link)
After that, kindly create a tab to check if the issue is replicable. If the issue is replicable, please let me know how to reproduce it.
Yes, I have been able to reproduce it. I added a new tab called Test1. When WPML is deactivated, it shows. When it is active, it doesn't. Right now it is activated, it you deactivate it - the tab will appear in the products, for example here: hidden link
Thanks for replicating the issue. I checked it and was able to fix it by settings the tabs post type to "Translatable - use translation if available or fallback to default language". (Kindly check the attached screenshot)
You can set it on your site by going to WPML-> Settings-> Post Type Translation section.
Kindly check the product and let me know if it works correctly. (hidden link)